
Python: Division

The provided code stub reads two integers, a and b, from STDIN.

Add logic to print two lines. The first line should contain the result of integer division, a//b . The second line should contain the result of float division, a/b .

No rounding or formatting is necessary.

Example a = 3 b = 5

The result of the integer division 3//5 = 0. The result of the float division is 3/5 = 0.6.

Print: 0 0.6

Input Format

The first line contains the first integer, a. The second line contains the second integer, b.

Output Format

Print the two lines as described above.

Sample Input 0 4 3

Sample Output 0

1 1.33333333333


if __name__ == '__main__':
    a = int(input())
    b = int(input())