
this is a package about roles of users in laravel

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This is a package about permissions of users in laravel

laravel permissions

How to install userPermission package on laravel


STEP 1 :

composer require "ilbeygi/userpermission":"dev-master"

STEP 2 : Add provider in config/app.php

'providers' => [
  Ilbeygi\UserPermission\userPermissionServiceProvider::class, // <-- add this line at the end of provider array

STEP 3 :

  php artisan vendor:publish --tag=userPermissionPackage_ilbeygi_ir

STEP 4 :

  php artisan migrate

STEP 5 : add middleware in app/Http/Kernel.php

protected $routeMiddleware = [
        'checkRoles' => \Ilbeygi\UserPermission\Middlewares\CheckRole::class,  // <-- add this line at the end of $routeMiddleware

STEP 6 : run laravel

  php artisan serve

STEP 7 : Go to this way (just for once and you must be logged in)


STEP 8 : Go to vendor/ilbeygi/userpermission/src/route.php and delete /saveAllRouteNameInDatabase route :

Route::get('/saveAllRouteNameInDatabase', function (){

SETP 9 : go to this route and see permission panel


full persian document here : http://vrgl.ir/A8P1s Hope to be useful to you