Django blogs is module that provide configurable blogs for Django projects.
- Using this module, you can implement blogging system in your project.
- This application allows to configure:
- One blog (for companies news blog or for personal blog)
- Multiblogging system (multiple blogs with different topics, for internet societies or instead of forum as more orginized way to share information)
- Blog-per-user system (each user writes in his own blog, useful for companies when each person has it's own blog)
- Mix of blog-per-user and blog-per-topic - multiple blogs with specific topic and each user has own blog (Large internet societies, social networks)
- Post's content is cleaned up to contain only safe html tags. So you can use any JS editor you like (we use
- Each post can have tease which will be shown at when posts are listed, you can configure how will it be cut and how long it can be.
- RSS feeds are available for all types of blogs.
- python >= 2.5
- pip >= 0.8
- django >= 1.2 (tested with Django 1.6 and Django 1.7)
- pytils
- django-misc (
- django-pagination
- django-tagging
- django-threadedcomments (
- django-notification (
- django-voter (
Django blogs should be installed using pip:
pip install git+git://
Add 'blog' to INSTALLED_APPS
INSTALLED_APPS += ( 'blog', )
Add blog urls to urlpatterns in
from blog.feeds import BlogFeedAll, BlogFeedBlog, BlogFeedUser blogs_feed_dict = {"feed_dict": { 'all': BlogFeedAll, 'blog' : BlogFeedBlog, 'only': BlogFeedUser, }} urlpatterns = ('', ... (r'^blogs/', include('blog.urls')), (r'^b/', include('blogs.short_urls')), # For short urls, if you want (r'^feeds/posts/(?P<url>\w+)/', 'django.contrib.syndication.views.Feed', blogs_feed_dict), # Rss feeds ... )
Copy blog/static/ to your STATIC_URL path
Please, consider templates and css that are in this application - as example how to create your own design. Note, that I use django-themes ( in my templates.
- Setup database via syncdb or migrations. Note, that if you are not using django-voter, then migrations are not supported.
There are two main settings:
- BLOG_ENABLE_USER_BLOG - enable user blogs, by default TRUE
- BLOG_ENABLE_BLOGS - enable multiblogging system, by default TRUE
Additional settings:
- BLOG_SHORT_POST_MAX_LENGTH - limits to post, that can be without tease, by default - 2048 symbols.
- BLOG_CUT_MAX_LENGTH - limits to size of cut added, by default - 2048 symbols.
- BLOG_CUT_TAG and BLOG_CUT_TAG_SYNONYMS are added to help customize tag that is used to cut post on tease and main content. Defaults: '<hr class="redactor_cut">' as main cut tag, and <!--more--> as one synonym.
Development of django-blogs happens at github:
Copyright (C) 2013 Illia Polosukhin This program is licensed under the MIT License (see LICENSE)