
Blog app for django. Provide blogging functionality for you django project. Multiblogging system, blog per user blog, one user blog are available for you in one app.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Django blogs is module that provide configurable blogs for Django projects.

  • Using this module, you can implement blogging system in your project.
  • This application allows to configure:
    • One blog (for companies news blog or for personal blog)
    • Multiblogging system (multiple blogs with different topics, for internet societies or instead of forum as more orginized way to share information)
    • Blog-per-user system (each user writes in his own blog, useful for companies when each person has it's own blog)
    • Mix of blog-per-user and blog-per-topic - multiple blogs with specific topic and each user has own blog (Large internet societies, social networks)
  • Post's content is cleaned up to contain only safe html tags. So you can use any JS editor you like (we use http://frol.github.com/prostoEscribir/)
  • Each post can have tease which will be shown at when posts are listed, you can configure how will it be cut and how long it can be.
  • RSS feeds are available for all types of blogs.


Django blogs should be installed using pip:

pip install git+git://github.com/ilblackdragon/django-blogs.git
  • Add 'blog' to INSTALLED_APPS

    INSTALLED_APPS += ( 'blog', )
  • Add blog urls to urlpatterns in url.py:

    from blog.feeds import BlogFeedAll, BlogFeedBlog, BlogFeedUser
    blogs_feed_dict = {"feed_dict": {
        'all': BlogFeedAll,
        'blog' : BlogFeedBlog,
        'only': BlogFeedUser,
    urlpatterns = ('',
        (r'^blogs/', include('blog.urls')),
        (r'^b/', include('blogs.short_urls')), # For short urls, if you want
        (r'^feeds/posts/(?P<url>\w+)/', 'django.contrib.syndication.views.Feed', blogs_feed_dict), # Rss feeds
  • Copy blog/static/ to your STATIC_URL path

Please, consider templates and css that are in this application - as example how to create your own design. Note, that I use django-themes (https://github.com/ilblackdragon/django-themes) in my templates.

  • Setup database via syncdb or migrations. Note, that if you are not using django-voter, then migrations are not supported.

There are two main settings:

  • BLOG_ENABLE_USER_BLOG - enable user blogs, by default TRUE
  • BLOG_ENABLE_BLOGS - enable multiblogging system, by default TRUE

Additional settings:

  • BLOG_SHORT_POST_MAX_LENGTH - limits to post, that can be without tease, by default - 2048 symbols.
  • BLOG_CUT_MAX_LENGTH - limits to size of cut added, by default - 2048 symbols.
  • BLOG_CUT_TAG and BLOG_CUT_TAG_SYNONYMS are added to help customize tag that is used to cut post on tease and main content. Defaults: '<hr class="redactor_cut">' as main cut tag, and <!--more--> as one synonym.

Development of django-blogs happens at github: https://github.com/ilblackdragon/django-blogs

Copyright (C) 2013 Illia Polosukhin This program is licensed under the MIT License (see LICENSE)