A downloader for NOAA's Meteorological Assimilation Data Ingest System (MADIS). MADIS consists of a live database of ground weather station observations from around the world.
For more information, and to sign up for a user account, visit: https://madis-data.noaa.gov
var madis = require('madis')
var opts = {
user: 'USERNAME', // (REQUIRED) username
pass: 'PASSWORD', // (REQUIRED) password
fields: ['T', 'PCPRATE'], // (REQUIRED) Fields to query
timeout: 120, // Request timeout in seconds (Defaults to 120)
qc: true, // Quality control enabled (Defaults to false)
onlyLatest: true, // Only return the latest observation per station (Defaults to false)
window: 2*3600 // Search window in seconds (Defaults to two hours)
madis.download(opts, function(err, observations) {
// observations contains the array of station observations