
This Motoko library serves as a middleware framework enabling the integration of blockchain functionalities directly into dApps on the IC. It aims to abstract the complexities involved in blockchain operations, such as block creation, transaction management, hashing, certification and archival processes, allowing developers to incorporate ledger functionalities with minimal overhead.

Core Components and Functionalities:

Reducer Pattern for State Management: Employs a reducer pattern to manage state transitions based on actions. This approach allows for a more structured and predictable state management process, crucial for maintaining the consistency of blockchain states. It will allow easy replaying of state.

Has a modified stable memory version of the Sliding Window Buffer (by Research AG)

Modularity and Extensibility: Designed with modularity at its core, the library allows developers to define custom actions, errors, and reducer functions.

Reducer Libraries: Developers can publish their reducers as libraries, enabling others to incorporate these libraries into their canisters for efficient remote state synchronization. This process involves tracking a remote ledger's transaction log and reconstructing the required state segments in their canisters. This mechanism facilitates the development of dApps that can in certain cases can do remotely atomic synchronous operations within asynchronous environments, similar to the DeVeFi Ledger Middleware's capabilities.

Example - ICRC3 compliant ledger

The provided example illustrates the use of the library to implement the ICRC3 ledger standard. It is based on the the ICDev/PanIndustrial implementation ( but with some variations:

  • The ledger is implemented with a stable sliding window buffer ( instead of a more regular vector making archiving and query operations much simpler
  • It demonstrate the use of the rechain library adding 2 reducers that are applied to every single incoming block: 1) to continuously update the balance of every ledger account, 2) to check the consistency of the block creation time and the possible existence of a duplicated block
  • In the ICDev/PanIndustrial implementation, if ledger exceeded its max length, it was setting a timer to run in the next round to run the archive. We instead run a recurrent timer that checks every 30 seconds whether we need to create an archive.
  • (under development) Recurrent timer (every 6 hours) that checks all archive canister cycle balances and refills them with X amount of cycles if they dropped bellow Y unless the main canister is bellow Z (X,Y,Z are settings)

----> document parameter semantic ----> example of how to create a ledger (including setting the canister princiapla... Motoko team working on how to avoid it) ----> how dispatching works ----> what happens when errors (types of errors) ----> explain canister upgrading ----> explain (todo) cycling refilling (explain we only refil the main canister and the archives are auto refilled, with the recurrent timer: 6h)



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