Kaggle 2018 @ Human Protein Atlas Image Classification
35th Place Algorithm and Model.
'*' : Working methods between options.
- vgg16
- resnet50, resnet101, ...
- densenet121, densenet169 *
- inception v3, inception v4 *
- se152
- polynet
- Data Loader for External Datas and Merger
- Basic data augmentations
- Rotation, Flip *
- Channel drops
- 16 Test-Time Augmentation
- 5-Folds Cross Validation
- Simple Threshold Search Algorithm
- Ensembles
- Test-Time Augmentation Averaging *
- Majority Voting *
- Fully-Connected Neural Network
- logits -> output
- logits + features -> output
- XGBoost
- Loss
- Soft F1 Loss *
- Binary Cross Entropy *
- Focal Loss
- MultiLabelMarginLoss
Training with yaml configuratin files and changed few parameter.
$ python main.py -c conf/densenet.yaml
$ python main.py -c conf/densenet.yaml --lr 0.0001