Pinned issues
- 0
A bug when join ... on (condition 1 or condition2)
#113 opened by lzbht - 0
supprot distinct() instead of uniq_exact()
#112 opened by lzbht - 2
could not map type <Bool>
#84 opened by maxpain - 0
【编译安装求助】我在centos 8,安装编译该扩展组件时提示失败,报错如图。
#111 opened by SubTel - 1
PostgreSQL 17 support
#109 opened by crunchyjohn - 0
Postgres 16.4 bug
#110 opened by ngkame - 0
- 0
- 0
Losing microseconds
#106 opened by gallyamow - 6
- 0
PostgreSQL 16 support
#104 opened by efimkin - 0
Support postgis
#103 opened by DrivenA - 2
ERROR: clickhouse_fdw: error while reading row: unsupported type in binary protocol
#102 opened by DrivenA - 3
fatal error: postgres.h: No such file or directory
#101 opened by DrivenA - 0
parameterized view
#100 opened by ujangja - 0
Can't run nested query
#99 opened by roster79 - 0
PostgreSQL EXTRACT Function based on Clickhouse table doesn't work in ORDER BY clause
#98 opened by mixavich - 3
How to add test cases
#97 opened by tkosgrabar - 3
What about TLS support?
#96 opened by Denchick - 0
- 0
NULL instead of empty string in response
#94 opened by Anger79 - 3
clickhouse_fdw 1.4.0?
#92 opened by Denchick - 1
- 0
Support type Map
#89 opened by ctlaltdefeat - 1
Could not map type <'json')>
#87 opened by iosifnicolae2 - 5
Postgresql 14 support
#78 opened by stsimb - 0
Unknown function json_build_object
#85 opened by maxpain - 1
unsupported column type Decimal
#66 opened by devchunk - 0
[unixODBC][Driver Manager]Can't open lib 'binary' : file not found, on using select query in postgres11
#81 opened by surajmachamasi - 4
- 0
- 1
clickhouse fdw has high memory consumption
#74 opened by fantom0005 - 1
LIMIT clause not pushed to clickhouse?
#59 opened by rsurgiewicz - 6
Array intersection operator
#73 opened by OriolLopezMassaguer - 3
Functions that do not support in where clause
#72 opened by wucheong - 3
- 3
- 3
all integers are returned with inversed sign
#69 opened by beda42 - 1
- 1
Error on Debian
#67 opened by krisnamourt - 2
- 2
- 1
- 1
Make install fails in fedora
#61 opened by arvindkumarc - 2
Password Must be url encoded
#58 opened by smbanaie - 2
- 1
Push functions down to clickhouse layer?
#57 opened by mzealey - 4
- 4
Could not find PG_REGRESS
#53 opened by vlauzeckas - 2
Unknown function btrim
#51 opened by fantom0005