
ILSFloatingKeyPad helps you add a floating number pad or phoned as per your size and can enjoy all the textfield delegates a minimal size keyboard that can be dragged to any where and type

Primary LanguageObjective-C


ILSFloatingKeypad is a lightweight, pure-Swift library to provide numberpad and numericpad in iPhone as well as in iPad. It provides you a chance to customise the keypad and helps you to move the keypad with your interest.


  • Floating Keypad with numericpad and phonepad.
  • Customise keypad color and background color.
  • Can be used in all texfield delagate methods.
  • You can move the keypad anywhere in the view.



  • iOS 9.0+

  • Xcode 9.0+, Swift 4+

Manual installation

Download and drop the 'ILSFloatingKeypad.framework' file into your Xcode project. Make Sure you add the Framework by Embedded Binaries Set Enable Bitcode to NO in your build settings


  • Use the ILSFloatingKeypad.framework in the folder 'AppStore Submission Framework' when you are submitting your application to the appstore


  1. The simplest use-case is declaring the ILSFloatingKeypad instance:
var keyPad = ILSFloatingKeypad
  1. Set the ILSFloatingKeypad to textField in textFieldShouldBeginEditing delegate method
 keyPad = ILSFloatingKeyPad(frameOfNumberPad: CGSize(width: 200, height: 200), texField: textField, numberPadType: NumberPadType.NumericPad,ButtonbackgroundColor:nil,KeyPadborderColor:nil,ButtonTitleColor:nil)
  1. Works perfect for all textfield delegates even for textfield validations on using texfield shouldChangeCharactersIn delegate

4.Switch to Numberpad and Numericpad


iLeaf Solutions http://www.ileafsolutions.com