
Source code for the implementation of the BCOLN Lecture challenge task by the "Einstein" group

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

BCOLN SS19 Challenge Task - Group Einstein

This repository hosts the code of the challenge task of the Blockchain and Overlay Networks lecture in the spring semester 2019.

It implements a lottery based on a smart contract written in Solidity, compatible with the Ethereum Blockchain. Fees and prizes are paid directly in ETH.

Get Started


In order for this project to work properly on your local machine, a few things need to be installed:

  • ganache-cli and truffle have to be installed globally and in your PATH. If they are not, install with yarn global add ganache-cli truffle.
  • The Metamask plugin has to be installed in your default browser with the security settings set accordingly (So the React app can connect to Metamask).

Development Setup / Local Blockchain

If you want to run the project with a development setup and a development blockchain, follow the following steps

  1. Clone the repo.
  2. Make sure you have ganache-cli and truffle installed globally and that both are in your PATH. If not, run yarn global add ganache-cli truffle.
  3. Start up a local development blockchain using ganache-cli. Run ganache-cli -i 5777. Note the network id, the project will look for a network with id 5777.
  4. Run yarn install.
  5. Run yarn run sc-local. This will compile and deploy the main contract and dependendent contracts to the local ganache blockchain.
  6. Run yarn run to start the React application.

Ropsten Setup

A version of the React app connecting to a deployed contract on Ropsten is hosted on Firebase.