
Restful symfony API

Primary LanguagePHP


This repository is an example of how to build REST interfaces with Symfony. The programming principle SOLID was especially taken into account.

Design patterns and Dependency Injection can also be found in this repository. Since this project focuses on the software architecture, no authentication like JWT (Json Web Token) has been implemented.

This API contains two endpoints.

  • /api/v1/text/analysis
  • /api/v1/analyze/url

This project is based on Symfony 6.1 with PHP 8.1. All code was tested with unit and functional tests and has a code coverage of 100%. The code is formatted with PSR-12.

Selection of used packages

Required to build the project

  • "nelmio/api-doc-bundle": "^4.9" - Swagger documentation
  • "jms/serializer-bundle": "^4.0" - Serialize and deserialize JSON
  • "phpunit/phpunit": "^9.5" - For testing

Used for the service endpoints

  • "ezyang/htmlpurifier": "^4.14" - Clean up HTML
  • "eightpoints/guzzle-bundle": "^8.3" - Receive external HTML
  • "davechild/textstatistics": "^1.0" - Text analysis
  • "landrok/language-detector": "^1.3" - Language detection

Table of contents

If you have any improvements or comments about this project, please let me know.

But don't forget this project is not intended for productive use, but to illustrate the software architecture.


Stefan H.G. Buchhofer
