Call Java Native Code (arr) in Unity

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When you working with Unity, sometimes we need using function from Native Java Code. This repository will help you do it.

  • Sample Unity Itegration Java native code
  • Plugin/Library Java on Android Studio
  • Template Unity Package using anymore
  • Create blank application on Android Studio

  • Config build.gradel(Module:app) apply plugin: ''

  • Config Appmanifest.xml

  • Create a new class to call native code: public final class DeviceUtils

List function support call native java

Brightness AndroidId DeviceType ModelName .........

Create Library C# to using Native Code

Library C# will compile to DLL file. Only import dll to Unity to using.

Solution have:

  • [JniCommonUtils] - Implement for Template of call Android Java API of Unity.
  • [DeviceInfo] - Deliver of call Method from Native Java

After build dll file. We need copy it to Unity. I recommend using Batscripts to save time


If you don't understand these step. Could you find release package on release repository.

Install by hold package to Unity.

DeviceInfo Support Function:

DeviceInfo is currently support some sample function on JavaNative. You can add anything you think neccesary for your project.

C# Library Code Java Native Code Todo
N/A getDeviceType Get type mobie or tablet
N/A getAppVersion Get app version
N/A getAppLanguage Get app language use
GetBrightness getScreenBrightness Get brightness screen
GetUpTime uptimeMillis Get time working device
GetVolumeDevice getVolumeDevice Get Volume Device
GetNetworkCarrierName getNetworkCarrierName Get carrier name network
GetISOCountryCode getLanguage + getCountry + getDefaul Get ISO country device
GetMobieNetworkCode getSimOperator Get Mobie network code
IsPowerSaveMode isPowerSaveModeEnabled Check powerbattery mode enable?
GetMemorySizeInBytes getMemorySizeInBytes Get size of Memory
GetUsedMemory getUsedMemory Get Ram used of device
GetCpuTemperature getCpuTemperature Get temprature device
Your implement Your Implement Your descripts
Your implement Your Implement Your descripts
... ... ...

Using on Sample Unity