
A simple list of awesome boilerplate and starterkit according stack you want for your project

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A simple list of awesome boilerplate and starterkit according stack you want for your project



No Name Description Link
1 iamraphson/adonisjs-hackathon-starter A boilerplate for AdonisJS web framework Github
2 yann-yinn/adonis-starter A Node.js / TypeScript / Postgres starter with ready-to-use users management (register, login, forgot password etc) to focus on building your new ideas. Built upon the excellent AdonisJS MVC Framework. Github
3 amitkhare/adonis-jwt-api-starter Boilerplate for creating a JWT API server in AdonisJs with vuejs as backend. Github
4 kavinvalli/rita Batteries included starter for Adonis apps - React, Inertia, Typescript, Adonis Github


No Name Description Link
1 ngX-rocket/starter-kit Web project starter kit including modern tools and workflow based on angular-cli, best practices from the community, a scalable base template and a good learning base. GitHub
2 angular-ngrx-material-starter Angular, NgRx, Angular CLI & Angular Material Starter Project Github
3 angular2-express-starter Angular 8 and Express Starter (Heroku Ready) Github
4 angular-graphql-nestjs-postgres-starter-kit ๐Ÿš€Angular 8 + GraphQL + NestJS + Postgres Starter Kit Github
5 nestjs-angular-starter A starter template\boilerplate to work with NodeJS (typescript), Angular (with SSR), and shared models. Github
6 angular-nest-nx ๐Ÿš€Starter project with Angular 13, Ngx-admin, NestJS, Nx Workspace, Jest, Cypress, ESLint & Prettier ๐Ÿš€ Github


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1 bootstrap-npm-starter Starter template for new building with Bootstrap 4 in npm projects. Github
2 gatsby-starter-bootstrap Gatsby starter project for bootstrap Github


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1 djangox Django starter project with ๐Ÿ”‹ battery GitHub
2 django-hackathon-starter A boilerplate for Django web application GitHub
3 django-react-boilerplate Django 5, React, Bootstrap 5 with Python 3 and webpack project boilerplate GitHub
4 django-angularjs-rest Django + Angularjs + django-rest-framework + Bootstrap(angular-ui) project starter Github
5 django-nextjs-boilerplate A starter template for building a fullstack web app with Django, django-rest-framework, Next.js(Typescripted) using docker with PostgreSQL as the primary DB. Github


No Name Description Link
1 typescript-express-starter ๐Ÿ“˜ Quick and Easy TypeScript Express Starter Github
2 starter-express-api the simplest possible nodejs api using express that responds to any request Github
3 express-rest-boilerplate โŒ›๏ธ Express starter for building RESTful APIs Github
4 react-express-starter Starter pack for React and Express full stack development GitHub
5 nuxt-community/express-template Starter template for Nuxt 2 with Express. Github


No Name Description Link
1 cyclic-starter-fastapi Cyclic FastAPI Starter Github
2 gaganpreet/fastapi-starter A FastAPI based low code starter/boilerplate: SQLAlchemy 2.0 (async), Postgres, React-Admin, pytest and cypress Github
3 BCG-X-Official/agentkit Starter-kit to build constrained agents with Nextjs, FastAPI and Langchain Github
4 shinokada/fastapi-web-starter A static simple website ready to deploy using FastAPI and Bootstrap 5 Github


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1 fastify-typescript-starter ๐Ÿš€ Fastify & TypeScript starter repository. Github
2 fastify-typescript-starter Node.js starter using Fastify & Typescript Github
3 Shyam-Chen/Fastify-Starter ๐Ÿ† A boilerplate for API Server with Node.js, Fastify, and MongoDB on Vite. Github
4 node-fastify-mongo-api Node.js Restful API starter template GitHub
5 jellydn/fastify-starter Fastify starter template support RestAPI with Swagger and Graphql Github
6 fullstack-starter-template Template for full stack applications based on TypeScript, React, Vite, ChakraUI, tRPC, Fastify, Prisma, zod, etc. Github