
PowerShell Join-Object LINQ Edition

Primary LanguagePowerShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Join-Object LINQ Edition. Aims to provide the exact functionality of https://github.com/RamblingCookieMonster/PowerShell/blob/master/Join-Object.ps1 with much better performance. Initial testing shows at last 100 times faster.

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Explanation and usage Examples

See RamblingCookieMonster guide http://ramblingcookiemonster.github.io/Join-Object/ and Join-Object.Examples.ps1. And also Join-Object.Tests.ps1.

# Left Object Example
$PSCustomObject = @(
    [PSCustomObject]@{ID = 1 ; Sub = 'S1' ; IntO = 6}
    [PSCustomObject]@{ID = 2 ; Sub = 'S2' ; IntO = 7}
    [PSCustomObject]@{ID = 3 ; Sub = 'S3' ; IntO = $null}
# Right Object Example (DataTable)
$DataTable = [Data.DataTable]::new('Test')
$null = $DataTable.Columns.Add('IDD', [System.Int32])
$null = $DataTable.Columns.Add('Name')
$null = $DataTable.Columns.Add('Junk')
$null = $DataTable.Columns.Add('IntT', [System.Int32])
$null = $DataTable.Rows.Add(1, 'foo', 'AAA', 123456)
$null = $DataTable.Rows.Add(3, 'Bar', 'S3', $null)
$null = $DataTable.Rows.Add(4, 'D', $null, $null)

# Join the 2 together ("Left Join" in this example)
Join-Object -Left $PSCustomObject -Right $DataTable -LeftJoinProperty 'ID' -RightJoinProperty 'IDD' -ExcludeRightProperties 'Junk' -Prefix 'R_' | Format-Table

<# Output
    ID Sub IntO R_Name R_IntT
    -- --- ---- ------ ------
    1 S1     6 foo    123456
    2 S2     7
    3 S3       Bar

Additional functionality

  • Supports DataTable object type.
  • Additional parameters -ExcludeLeftProperties and -ExcludeRightProperties.
  • Additional parameter -PassThru, If added changes the original Left Object
  • Converts DBNull to $null
  • -RightJoinScript and -LeftJoinScript parameters to support custom joining scripts.
  • -RightJoinProperty and -LeftJoinProperty supports multiple Properties (String Array) to join on multiple columns.
  • -DataTable parameter to output as "DataTable".
  • -AddKey can be used with "-Type AllInBoth" to add a column containing the joining key.
  • -AllowColumnsMerging Allow duplicate columns in the Left and Right Objects, will overwrite the conflicting Left data with the Right data (Ignoring Nulls), Supported only on DataTable output for now.
  • -Comparer allow use of custom [EqualityComparer].

Missing functionality

  • -Type "AllInRight".

To do

  • Noting for now, You can open an Issues if something is needed.


From repository (Recommended)

Install-Module -Name Join-Object -Scope CurrentUser

From GitHub Branch (For testing)

$Uri = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ili101/Join-Object/master/Install.ps1'; & ([Scriptblock]::Create((irm $Uri))) -FromGitHub $Uri


If you fund a bug or added functionality or anything else just fork and send pull requests. Thank you!



Default and supported join modes

Join Type Linq mode LeftMultiMode supported RightMultiMode supported PassThru
OnlyIfInBoth Join DuplicateLines DuplicateLines Not Supported
AllInLeft GroupJoin DuplicateLines SingleOnly, DuplicateLines, SubGroups SingleOnly, SubGroups
AllInBoth FullGroupJoin SingleOnly, DuplicateLines, SubGroups SingleOnly, DuplicateLines, SubGroups Not Supported

* Bold signifies the default setting.

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