
script exporter for Prometheus, it executes user-written shell scripts to produce metrics.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

> About

script_exporter for Prometheus. When scraped, it will trigger user-provided shell scripts that follow a specific "protocol", and return their exit code and stdout output as metrics for storing in Prometheus TSDB.

The shell scripts will be referred to as "jobs" in this guide.

> Prerequisites

The exporter is written in Python, and uses several Python packages. You can download manually, or use the requirements.txt provided in the repo to install them:

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

> Installation

To start the script_exporter, the below files are needed:

├── script_exporter
├── script_exporter.service
├── script_exporter.yml
├── scripts
│   ├── check_cpu_temperature.sh
│   ├── check_process_running.sh
│   ├── echo_argument.sh
│   └── return_failure.sh
File Description
script_exporter the python module, the actual exporter
script_exporter.service this file can be modified, then copied to /etc/systemd/system in order to run the exporter as a service.
script_exporter.yml the file containing the jobs(shell scripts) the exporter can run when triggered by Prometheus.
scripts a folder where all shell scripts are meant to be found

> Configuration

  1. clone the repo or download the ZIP.
  2. copy the script_exporter.yml.template to script_exporter.yml and customize it.
  3. if you are planning to run the exporter as a service, copy the script_exporter.service.template to /etc/systemd/system and customize it. You will need to replace the <define the user to run the exporter>, <define the dir the exporter was installed>, <port to listen> with your desired settings.

Then enable and start the service by:

systemctl enable script_exporter 
systemctl start script_exporter 
  1. to enable scraping from Prometheus, you can add a section as below in its configuration file:
  - job_name: 'script-exporter'
    scrape_interval: 120s
    scrape_timeout: 10s
    metrics_path: /probe
      job: [all]

      - targets:
        - node1
        - node2
        - node3
    - source_labels: [__address__]
      target_label: instance
    - source_labels: [__address__]
      regex: ^(.*)$
      target_label: __address__
      replacement: $1:8103

Please note that with the above example, Prometheus will probe for job=all. To trigger all jobs belonging to a group called "network" we should define:

      group: [network]

> Testing the script_exporter

To test that the exporter produces the metrics, you can scrape it by accessing its probe URL along with the job or group of jobs you wish to trigger. Example URLs:


To make the exporter dump the current job config, use URL:


Sample outputs can be seen below:

  • probing for a specific job:
[ilias@pi4 system] > curl
# HELP script_exporter_script_success Script exit status (0 = error, 1 = success).
# TYPE script_exporter_script_success gauge
script_exporter_script_success{script="check_cpu_temperature"} 1
script_exporter_script_output{script="check_cpu_temperature"} 45.30
[ilias@pi4 system] > 
  • probing for all jobs:
[ilias@pi4 system] > curl
# HELP script_exporter_script_success Script exit status (0 = error, 1 = success).
# TYPE script_exporter_script_success gauge
script_exporter_script_success{script="check_lan_hosts"} 1
script_exporter_script_output{script="check_lan_hosts"} 5
# HELP script_exporter_script_success Script exit status (0 = error, 1 = success).
# TYPE script_exporter_script_success gauge
script_exporter_script_success{script="check_cpu_temperature"} 1
script_exporter_script_output{script="check_cpu_temperature"} 44.30
[ilias@pi4 system] > 
  • probing all jobs belonging to a group called "os":
[ilias@pi4 system] > curl
# HELP script_exporter_script_success: script's exit status (0=error, 1=success).
# TYPE script_exporter_script_success gauge
script_exporter_script_success{script="check_apache_running"} 1
script_exporter_script_output{script="check_apache_running"} 11
# HELP script_exporter_script_success: script's exit status (0=error, 1=success).
# TYPE script_exporter_script_success gauge
script_exporter_script_success{script="check_cpu_temperature"} 1
[ilias@pi4 system] > 
  • dumping current jobs config:
[ilias@pi4 system] > curl        
- description: dummy script to echo something on stdout, for testing purposes
  group: testing
  name: echo_argument
  - 123
  script: echo_argument.sh
  status: disabled
- description: test script to produce a non-zero exit code
  group: testing
  name: return_failure
  params: null
  script: return_failure.sh
  status: disabled
- description: check if apache server is running
  group: os
  name: check_apache_running
  - httpd
  script: check_process_running.sh
  status: enabled
- description: requires lm-sensors, tested on ubuntu
  group: os
  name: check_cpu_temperature
  params: null
  script: check_cpu_temperature.sh
  status: enabled
[ilias@pi4 system] > 

> Requirements for the shell scripts

When writing shell scripts to consume with the script_exporter, some rules need to be taken care of:

  1. The script will return only numeric values, for example: 23, -34, 44.221, etc
  2. The output should be a single line.
  3. If the exit code of the script is non-zero, then script_exporter will not print the script_exporter_script_output metric for that job, as it is considered a failed run.

> Issues

Feel free to open an issue for questions or if something seems off.