is a solution to the streaming data problem, allowing for production, transformation, and consumption of streams of data in constant memory. It can be used for processing files, dealing with network interfaces, or parsing structured data in an event-driven manner.
Below is a tutorial, originally posted on School of Haskell, on how to use conduit. In addition to this tutorial, there is a set of slides on conduit which covers a number of topics.
There are a large number of packages relevant to conduit, just search for conduit on the LTS Haskell package list page. However, there are three core packages most users will be interested in:
- conduit defines the core data types, functions, and abstractions for using conduit, and provides the
module, containing some of the most common streaming functions. It has minimal dependencies. - conduit-extra adds support for many common low-level operations, like streaming from files, performing textual encodings/decodings, etc. It adds more dependencies than the conduit package itself, but these are the libraries that most applications will end up depending on anyway.
- conduit-combinators is the fully-loaded conduit library, offering a complete set of combinator functions and abstractions over chunked data (like
, andVector
). Importing theConduit
module will get you completely up-and-running with the conduit toolchain. The downside is that there are a significant number of dependencies.
If you're looking for advice: use conduit-combinators
if you're writing an
application. If you're writing a library where others will be concerned about
the transitive dependency list, try sticking to conduit
and conduit-extra
to start off.
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource
import Data.Conduit
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
import qualified Data.Conduit.Binary as CB
main = do
-- Pure operations: summing numbers.
result <- CL.sourceList [1..10] $$ CL.fold (+) 0
print result
-- Exception safe file access: copy a file.
writeFile "input.txt" "This is a test."
runResourceT $ CB.sourceFile "input.txt" $$ CB.sinkFile "output.txt"
readFile "output.txt" >>= putStrLn
-- Perform transformations.
result <- CL.sourceList [1..10] $$ (+ 1) =$ CL.consume
print result
Features of conduit
allows you to deal with large- and possibly infinite- streams of data in constant memory. Chunks of data are dealt with one piece at a time instead of needing to read in the entire body at once.conduit
also allows for deterministic resource usage. When using scarce resources like file descriptors,conduit
is designed to immediately recycle resources when they are no longer needed. Contrast this with lazy I/O, which provides for constant memory usage, but at the expense of deterministic resource usage.- Resource usage must also be exception safe: a file handle must be recycled even in the presence of exceptions. Most of this functionality is provided by the associated
package, described below. - It should be easy to compose together pre-built components to build up more complex structures. Our goal is to retain the composability of pure code while dealing with the imperative world.
The main module for the conduit
package is Data.Conduit, which provides the core data types and primitive operations. Another commonly used modules is Data.Conduit.List, which provides a number of helper functions for common cases, based on standard Haskell concepts like map
and fold
There are three main concepts in conduit. A Source
will produce a stream of data values and send them downstream. A Sink
will consume a stream of data values from upstream and produce a return value. In the first example in the synopsis, sourceList
generated a stream of Integer
s which the fold
consumed, producing a return value of 55. The third concept is the Conduit
, which consumes a stream of values from upstream and produces a new stream to send downstream. In the synopsis, the call to map
consumed one stream of Integer
s, added 1 to each value, and sent the new results downstream.
In order to combine these different components, we have connecting and fusing. The connect operator is $$
, and it will combine a Source
and Sink
, feeding the values produced by the former into the latter, and producing a final result. Fusion, on the other hand, will take two components and generate a new component. For example, =$
can fuse a Conduit
and Sink
together into a new Sink
, which will consume the same values as the original Conduit
and produce the same result as the original Sink
. The other two fusion operators are $=
, which combines a Source
and Conduit
into a new Source
, and =$=
, which combines two Conduit
s into a new Conduit
-- Demonstration of connect and fuse operators
import Data.Conduit
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
source :: Source IO Int -- produces a stream of Ints
source = CL.sourceList [1..4]
sink :: Sink String IO () -- consumes a stream of Strings, no result
sink = CL.mapM_ putStrLn
conduit :: Conduit Int IO String -- converts Ints into Strings
conduit = show
main = do
source $$ conduit =$ sink
-- alternatively, with the same meaning
source $= conduit $$ sink
Exercise: Write a Conduit
which will multiply all incoming numbers by 2, and then include it in the above code snippet. Note that there are multiple ways of using the connect and fusion operators to get the desired result, give a few of them a shot.
import Data.Conduit
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
source :: Source IO Int -- produces a stream of Ints
source = CL.sourceList [1..4]
sink :: Sink String IO () -- consumes a stream of Strings, no result
sink = CL.mapM_ putStrLn
conduit :: Conduit Int IO String -- converts Ints into Strings
conduit = show
newConduit :: Conduit Int IO Int
newConduit = (* 2)
main = do
-- each of the following does the same thing
source $$ newConduit =$ conduit =$ sink
source $= newConduit $= conduit $$ sink
source $= newConduit $$ conduit =$ sink
source $$ (newConduit =$= conduit) =$ sink
source $= (newConduit =$= conduit) $$ sink
Unified data type
Under the surface, all three core data types are just wrappers around the same type, ConduitM
. By wrapping around this single unified type, we're able to reuse a lot of code and more easily compose components in conduit.
takes four type parameters: input received from upstream, output send downstream, the underlying monad, and the return value. Our specialized types are defined as:
type Source m o = ConduitM () o m () -- no meaningful input or return value
type Conduit i m o = ConduitM i o m () -- no meaningful return value
type Sink i m r = ConduitM i Void m r -- no meaningful output value
is a monad transformer. As such, you can lift operations from the underlying monad (see "Lifting Operations" below), and can easily compose together multiple components. This makes it simple to build up complex mechanisms from simpler components.
You will very rarely need to interface directly with the ConduitM
datatype, though it will occasionally appear in error messages.
There are three core primitives in the conduit
will take a single value from upstream, if available.yield
will send a single value downstream.leftover
will put a single value back in the upstream queue, ready to be read by the next call toawait
-- Using primitives
import Data.Conduit
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
source :: Source IO Int
source = do
yield 1
yield 2
yield 3
yield 4
conduit :: Conduit Int IO String
conduit = do
-- Get all of the adjacent pairs from the stream
mi1 <- await
mi2 <- await
case (mi1, mi2) of
(Just i1, Just i2) -> do
yield $ show (i1, i2)
leftover i2
_ -> return ()
sink :: Sink String IO ()
sink = do
mstr <- await
case mstr of
Nothing -> return ()
Just str -> do
liftIO $ putStrLn str
main = source $$ conduit =$ sink
in terms ofyield
.import Data.Conduit import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL sourceList :: Monad m => [o] -> Source m o sourceList = ??? main = sourceList [1, 2, 3] $$ CL.mapM_ print
sourceList :: Monad m => [o] -> Source m o sourceList = mapM_ yield
There's a helper function in the library called awaitForever. Rewrite
above usingawaitForever
.import Data.Conduit import Control.Monad.IO.Class source :: Source IO Int source = do yield 1 yield 2 yield 3 yield 4 conduit :: Conduit Int IO String conduit = do -- Get all of the adjacent pairs from the stream mi1 <- await mi2 <- await case (mi1, mi2) of (Just i1, Just i2) -> do yield $ show (i1, i2) leftover i2 conduit _ -> return () sink :: Sink String IO () sink = ??? main = source $$ conduit =$ sink
sink :: Sink String IO () sink = awaitForever $ liftIO . putStrLn
Implement your own version of
.import Data.Conduit import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift) myAwaitForever :: Monad m => (i -> Conduit i m o) -> Conduit i m o myAwaitForever f = ??? main = CL.sourceList [1..10] $$ myAwaitForever (lift . print)
myAwaitForever :: Monad m => (i -> Conduit i m o) -> Conduit i m o myAwaitForever f = await >>= maybe (return ()) (\x -> f x >> myAwaitForever f)
Monadic chaining
The above examples demonstrated how we can combine primitives together using standard monadic binding. This doesn't just apply to the primitives: you can combine larger components together as well. Consider the "triple" Conduit
which will output any values it receives three times:
import Data.Conduit
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
triple :: Monad m => Conduit a m a
-- Triple conduit
triple = do
ma <- await
case ma of
Nothing -> return ()
Just a -> do
CL.sourceList [a, a, a]
main = CL.sourceList [1..4] $$ triple =$ CL.mapM_ print
Mini exercise: rewrite the above using awaitForever
, which should be much shorter.
As you can see, it's entirely possible to combine a higher-level function like sourceList
into a larger function. One question you might have is: how can we use a Source
inside the body of a Conduit
? We'll discuss that with Producer
s and Consumer
s in the generalizing section below.
Exercise: Write a Conduit
that consumes a stream of Int
s. It takes the first Int
from the stream, and then multiplies all subsequent Int
s by that number and sends them back downstream. You should use the function for this.
import Data.Conduit
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
-- Multiplier
multiplier = do
ma <- await
case ma of
Nothing -> return ()
Just a -> (* a)
main = CL.sourceList [5..10] $$ multiplier =$ CL.mapM_ print
Lifting operations
As monad transformers, our components can perform any operations supported by their underlying monads. We've already seen this implicitly with usage of CL.mapM_ print
. However, we can also use lift
or liftIO
explicitly. And we're also not limited to the IO
monad. Let's consider an example with the State
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Conduit
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
source :: Source (State Int) Int
source = do
x <- lift get
if x <= 0
then return ()
else do
yield x
lift $ modify (\x -> x - 2)
conduit :: Conduit Int (State Int) (Int, Int)
conduit = awaitForever $ \i -> do
lift $ modify (+ 1)
x <- lift get
yield (i, x)
main :: IO ()
main = do
let result :: State Int [(Int, Int)]
result = source $$ conduit =$ CL.consume
print $ runState result 5
In the triple conduit example above, why were we able to use a Source
inside a Conduit
? That shouldn't typecheck, should it? After all, a Source
has its input type constrained to ()
, while a Conduit
can have any input type. In our example above, the input was Int
, so it certainly should not have worked.
The answer is that we have two final type synonyms to introduce. Producer
is a generalized Source
. Instead of stating that it consumes an input stream of ()
values, it can consume any input values, thus allowing it to work for both Source
and Conduit
. Similarly, we have Consumer
which can output any values, and thus works as either a Conduit
or a Sink
In the interest of generality, most library functions will be written in terms of Producer
or Consumer
. As a user, you can simply use Source
and Sink
in most of your code, unless you need to use a function as Conduit
as well.
And for the cases where you have a Source
and wish to convert it to a Conduit
after the fact (e.g., it comes from another person's library), you can use toProducer, or toConsumer for Sink
Let's talk about the lifetime of a sequence of components (we'll call it a pipeline). A pipeline is always driven from downstream. This means, for example, that if we connect a Source
and a Sink
, we start our execution with the Sink
The Sink will continue processing- however that specific Sink processes- until it needs more input. Then it calls await
, and processing is paused until new input is available. For the Source, it will be woken up when the downstream component asks for input, and will yield control downstream when it yields a value. As soon as the Sink
completes, the entire pipeline terminates.
The following example demonstrates how the components of our pipeline interact with each other. Try modifying the parameter to sink
from 2 to 4 to see how that affects the output.
import Data.Conduit
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
-- Termination
source = do
liftIO $ putStrLn "source: yielding 1"
yield 1
liftIO $ putStrLn "source: yielding 2"
yield 2
liftIO $ putStrLn "source: yielding 3"
yield 3
conduit = do
liftIO $ putStrLn "conduit calling await"
mx <- await
case mx of
Nothing -> liftIO $ putStrLn "Nothing left, exiting"
Just x -> do
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "conduit yielding " ++ show x
yield x
sink 0 = liftIO $ putStrLn "sink is finished, terminating"
sink i = do
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "sink: still waiting for " ++ show i
mx <- await
case mx of
Nothing -> liftIO $ putStrLn "sink: Nothing from upstream, exiting"
Just x -> do
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "sink received: " ++ show x
sink (i - 1)
main = source $$ conduit =$ sink 2
Based on what we've said until now, there's a big limitation. Source
s and Conduit
s have no way of cleaning up after themselves, since they are terminated immediately when anything downstream from them terminates. To address this, conduit
supports the concept of terminators. Each time a Source
or Conduit
s a value downstream, it may additionally include a clean-up function. Each time the Source
s, it overwrites the previously yielded clean-up function. Let's see a simple example:
import Data.Conduit
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
source =
loop 1
loop i = do
yieldOr i $ putStrLn $ "Terminated when yielding: " ++ show i
loop $ i + 1
main = source $$ CL.isolate 7 =$ CL.mapM_ print
While in our examples till now this isn't incredibly important, when we start dealing with scarce resources like file descriptors, we need the ability to close the descriptor as soon as we're done with it.
Manually inserting yieldOr
s throughout your codebase can be very tedious. Instead, it's usually easier to use the addCleanup
function, which will ensure that a certain function is called on termination. Your cleanup function is provided a Bool
parameter. If True
, it means that the component ran to its normal completion. If False
, it means that downstream terminated first.
Let's demonstrate some simple file I/O. Note that the code below deals with characters one at a time, and is thus incredibly inefficient. It is highly recommended to use Data.Conduit.Binary for real-world use cases.
{-# START_FILE test.txt #-}
This is a test.
{-# START_FILE main.hs #-}
import System.IO
import Data.Conduit
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
source = do
handle <- liftIO $ openFile "test.txt" ReadMode
addCleanup (const $ putStrLn "Closing handle" >> hClose handle) $ loop handle
loop handle = do
eof <- liftIO $ hIsEOF handle
if eof
then return ()
else do
c <- liftIO $ hGetChar handle
yield c
loop handle
main = source $$ CL.isolate 5 =$ CL.mapM_ print
Exception Safety
There's still a major flaw in our addCleanup
approach: it's not exception safe! If an exception is thrown by either our component or any other component in the pipeline, our Handle
will not be closed correctly.
In order to guarantee that an action takes place even in the presence of exceptions, we need to introduce one final function: bracketP
. It works very similarly to the standard bracket
function: you provide it an allocate function which creates some scarce resource, a cleanup function which frees that resource, and an inside function which will perform some action with that resource.
Let's rewrite our inefficient file reader above to use bracketP
{-# START_FILE test.txt #-}
This is a test.
{-# START_FILE main.hs #-}
import System.IO
import Data.Conduit
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
source =
-- Better with bracketP
(openFile "test.txt" ReadMode)
(\handle -> putStrLn "Closing handle" >> hClose handle)
loop handle = do
eof <- liftIO $ hIsEOF handle
if eof
then return ()
else do
c <- liftIO $ hGetChar handle
yield c
loop handle
-- An exception-throwing sink.
exceptionalSink = do
c <- await
liftIO $ print c
error "This throws an exception"
-- We also need to call runResourceT
main = runResourceT $ source $$ exceptionalSink
Notice our call to runResourceT
. At the point where execution leaves that function, all resources allocated inside that block will be freed. For more information on ResourceT
, please see Control.Monad.Trans.Resource.
Connect and resume
introduces a form of inversion of control. You no longer control the flow of execution of your program. Instead, you declaratively state when individual components need input and provide output, and then conduit
ensures that everything is passed around correctly. For many use cases, this is sufficient. However, there are some cases where you may want to have more control over the flow of execution. Connect and resume provides you such an escape route.
Connect and resume introduces the concept of a resumable source. This is a Source
which has been partially run, but can be continued by reconnecting to another Sink
. To create a ResumableSource
, you use the $$+
connect-and-resume operator. To reconnect a ResumableSource
to a new Sink
and get an updated ResumableSource
, use the $$++
operator. And finally, you use the $$+-
to connect a ResumableSource
to its final Sink
import Data.Conduit
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
main = do
(rsrc1, result1) <- CL.sourceList [1..10] $$+ CL.take 3
(rsrc2, result2) <- rsrc1 $$++ CL.take 3
result3 <- rsrc2 $$+- CL.consume
print (result1, result2, result3)
The important thing to note about this ResumableSource
is that it might have some cleanup function associated with it, so you must ultimately call $$+-
or else risk delaying cleanup of those resources.
Connect and resume usually only comes up in more complicated control flow operations, so it's likely that you won't run into it in your normal usage of conduit
. One library which does utilize this is http-conduit, where a ResumableSource
is returned from the http function to represent the body of an HTTP response.
Further reading
- Data.Conduit- Main module defining data types and core operations.
- Data.Conduit.List- A collection of common helper utilities.
- Data.Conduit.Network- Create network servers and clients.