Base Library Test Battery

This repo is meant to serve as a learning tool and also as a test battery for the Motoko Standard Library.

The goal of this repo is to produce tests for every standard library function as well as document (in code) how those library functions expect their parameters in order to be invoked. This repo is a WIP.

Array 🟡

AssocList 🔴

Blob 🔴

Bool 🟢

Buffer 🔴

CertifiedData 🔴

Char 🔴

Debug 🔴

Deque 🔴

Error 🔴

ExperimentalCycles 🔴

Float 🔴

Func 🔴

Hash 🔴

HashMap 🔴

Heap 🔴

Int 🔴

Int8 🔴

Int16 🔴

Int32 🔴

Int64 🔴

Iter 🔴

IterType 🔴

List 🔴

Nat 🔴

Nat8 🔴

Nat16 🔴

Nat32 🔴

Nat64 🔴

None 🔴

Option 🔴

Order 🔴

Prelude 🔴

Principal 🔴

RBTree 🔴

Random 🔴

Result 🔴

Stack 🔴

Text 🔴

Time 🔴

Trie 🔴

TrieMap 🔴

TrieSet 🔴

Word8 🔴

Word16 🔴

Word32 🔴

Word64 🔴