
***Decommisioned, will be deleted on 26 June 2018.*** Local development environment for the Tide services.

GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Tide Local

License: GPL v2


  • Composer
  • Docker
  • Git
  • *nix bash shell (Mac Terminal or suitable alternative for Windows)
  • AWS account for SQS queue and S3 buckets

Cloning tide-local

Ensure that you are in a folder where you would like to install the Tide services.

git clone -b develop --recursive https://github.com/wptide/tide-local.git tide-local

Change to Tide working directory

cd tide-local

Update submodules

git submodule update --init --recursive

Hosts configuration

*unix Environment

From a new terminal on the host machine:

sudo cp /private/etc/hosts /private/etc/hosts-backup
sudo nano /private/etc/hosts

Use the arrow keys to navigate to the bottom of the hosts file and add a new host name. tide.local

When finished, hit Control+O followed by ENTER/RETURN to save changes to /private/etc/hosts, then hit Control+X to exit out of nano.

Windows Environment

Add tide.local to your hosts file following this guide (see your specific version of Windows): https://support.rackspace.com/how-to/modify-your-hosts-file/

Composer Install


Alternative Composer (Windows)

cd services/api
composer install
cd wp-content/plugins/wp-tide-api
composer install

AWS setup

Setup AWS IAM credentials with limited permissions for SQS & S3 access

Set Up an SQS queue (preferably FIFO)

Setup S3 bucket with IAM

.env configuration

Copy the .env.dist file to .env.

cp .env.dist .env

Update placeholder values in .env to reflect your environment. For example, Tide API specific details; AWS key pairs; SQS queues and S3 buckets.

Docker Containers

Start Services

This will take a while and download several Docker images. Fast Internet access recommended as this will download roughly 1GB of image data to your host machine.

docker-compose up --build

Stop Services

docker-compose down

Start Polling SQS for Audits

docker-compose exec audit-server php bin/console tide:audit-server --env=dev -v

Local URLs



@valendesigns, @rheinardkorf, @danlouw