
test app for analyse temperature metrics from sensors

Primary LanguagePHP


Test application for companies which can be interested in my skills


Application to read and manage data from temperature sensors. Application is purely internal, so no authorisation needed.


  1. Middle temperature from all sensors, in submitted days range
  2. Middle temperature for a particular sensor readings, in one-hour range

Sensors specifications

Type 1:

Can report to API, reports with POST method, json with following structure:

    "reading": {
        "sensor_uuid": "unique uuid of sensor",
        "temperature": "decimal format, xxx.xxx, in fahrenheit"
Type 2:

Expects data to be read from it’s API, new sensors will be added manually via some basic form Sensor expects request GET %sensor_ip%/data Return is a csv - string: reading_id, temperature in celsius in format xxx.x decimal

reading_id is a sequence number, which increases each time when sensor reads temperature.

Specification of app

  1. Application is written in PHP 7.4
  2. Application uses Symfony 5.2 framework
  3. Application uses Doctrine ORM
  4. Application uses DDD approach


docker-compose up -d

composer install

symfony console doctrine:database:create

symfony console doctrine:migrations:migrate

symfony serve