
React Native demo app for cryptocurrencies stats.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Cryptocurrency stats monitor and coin details react-native app.

Screenshot Screenshot


Starter React Native project.

Demo Android APK

React Native app build utilizing the CoinMarketCap API. To run the app in your machine, clone the repo and create the .credentials.js file with your CoinMarketCap KEY, inside the app/lib/ directory. (Follow the example .credentials.example.js file.)

Used libraries:

  • redux
  • react-redux
  • redux-logger
  • redux-thunk
  • redux-persist
  • react-router-native
  • react-native-fast-image - Image caching
  • react-native-wave - functional animation package

Testing configured with:

  • jest
  • enzyme
#to run tests
npm test

How to run the app?

git clone repo

cd ProjectFolder/

Start the JS server

react-native start --reset-cache

Run the app

react-native run-android

react-native run-ios

Run logs in console

react-native log-android

react-native log-ios

Build Android APK

cd android
./gradlew clean #clean cached android data
./gradlew assembleRelease #build for release
./gradlew assembleDebug #build for debug

#APK generated under folder
# /android/app/build/outputs/apk