
Golang Isomorphic React/Hot Reloadable/Flummox/Css-Modules Starter Kit

Primary LanguageJavaScript


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This project contains a quick starter kit for Facebook React Single Page Apps with Golang server side render and also with a set of useful features for rapid development of efficient applications.

What it contains?

  • server side render via go-duktape
  • api requests between your react application and server side application directly via fetch polyfill for go-duktape at server side, and it is possible to process requests with user session as well
  • title, Open Graph and other domain-specific meta tags render for each page at the server and at the client
  • server side redirect
  • embedding static files into artefact via bindata
  • high performance gin framework
  • advanced cli via cli
  • Makefile based project
  • one(!) terminal window process for development
  • routing via react-router
  • ES6 & JSX via babel-loader with minimal runtime dependency footprint
  • flux architecture via Flummox
  • stylus css styles without global namespace via css-loader & css-module
  • separate css file to avoid FOUC
  • hot reload components & styles via react-hot-loader & HMR
  • webpack bundle builder
  • eslint and golint rules for Makefile


Note that probably not works at windows.


Clone the repo:

$ git clone git@github.com:olebedev/go-starter-kit.git && cd go-starter-kit

Install javscript dependencies:

$ npm i

Install Golang dependencies:

$ export GOPATH=`pwd` # the most important step, ensure that you do it
$ go get app/...
$ go get github.com/jteeuwen/go-bindata/...

Start dev server:

$ make serve

that's it. Open http://localhost:5001/ at your browser. Now you ready to start coding your awesome project.


Install dependencies and just type NODE_ENV=production make build. This rule is producing webpack build and regular golang build after that. Result you can find at $GOPATH/bin.