
Aryanpour Dictionary in FreeDict (.tei) structured format


Aryanpour Dictionary in FreeDict (.tei) structured format


Download Aryanpour.tei.bz2 with your browser/download manager.

Convert for use in dictionary applications

Use PyGlossary to convert Aryanpour.tei.bz2 file to your desired format directly.

Uncompress for faster view/access

  • Linux/Unix: bunzip2 -k Aryanpour.tei.bz2
  • Windows: Use 7-Zip

View the file

  • Linux/Unix: bzless Aryanpour.tei.bz2 or less Aryanpour.tei
  • Windows: Uncompress and open with an editor/IDE (beware of the file size)

Write a parser or dictionary application for it

See freedict.py