
This is a personal Telegram bot that helps me manage my family budget. I've decided to use webhooks instead of polling because of low intensity of overall operations on this application from users. I don't see any reason to constantly generate polls to web hosting if we are using it few times a day or even less often. But webhooks have some limitations, like we need to use web hosting on the internet with a dns name or static IP and valid ssl certificate provided by a trusted ssl authority provider.

Plans to do:

  1. Creation set of google spreadsheet documents for whole year with cell formatting. Thinking of different schemas, create it from a template file or generate it from scratch asking users for parameters.

  2. Refactor code for better performance.

  3. Add a full deployment manual.

Description (draft):

To use this application you need to:

  1. Create a .env file in the same folder where file exists.

  2. Register telegram bot using @BotFather bot. You will receive an API token for your bot. It looks similar to: '3332224444:RTYuiURTHjiUYTgHJUYTFghGFFRFGt' Very sensitive information, keep it safe !!! You need to put this line in the .env file for variable TG_API_TOKEN=''. Example: TG_API_TOKEN='3332224444:RTYuiURTHjiUYTgHJUYTFghGFFRFGt'

  3. Register service account in your google account settings. And save service_account.json file (this file is a key file to use your google spreadsheets under service account without password)! Very sensitive information, keep it safe !!!

    Add path to it into the .env file for variable SERVICE_ACCOUNT="". Example: windows: SERVICE_ACCOUNT="C:\Users\Iliya\secret\service_account.json" or linux : '/home/iliya/ExpensesBot/service_account.json'