- 0
App [vanitysearch] exited with [-1] code.
#57 opened by legoxi - 1
Error Statistic
#55 opened by 0xHenz - 1
how to run it
#56 opened by learnercrypto - 8
launching the program
#54 opened by AndrewM026 - 1
Missing MacOS ARM instructions
#47 opened by pbies - 8
error when running on an amd pc
#45 opened by goatshags - 1
Error when running BitcrackRandomiser.dll
#51 opened by luongthomas - 1
Error: AMD, clBitcrack issue
#52 opened by SirCringineer - 0
#53 opened by 96cold - 1
telegram not work with ipv6
#50 opened by masikrus - 4
Invalid user token value or wallet address.
#46 opened by mpgxc - 3
can't run on windows
#26 opened by sboulden - 3
Cloud search cost.
#42 opened by a8832021 - 4
ARM CPU support?
#43 opened by auc0le - 2
A problem about billing of cloud search.
#41 opened by a8832021 - 2
Does not work with Nvidia HM100 chips
#39 opened by gitconsumer - 2
Cloud search problem.
#40 opened by a8832021 - 7
Vanitysearch bugs
#37 opened by a8832021 - 1
Vanitysearch options
#38 opened by sarma6565 - 1
- 3
good luck, bad luck
#35 opened by HumSaw - 14
Speed question
#31 opened by allinbit - 9
System.ArgumentNullException: String reference not set to an instance of a String. (Parameter 's')
#33 opened by taj1989 - 3
Tesla A100
#28 opened by HumSaw - 1
Continue current progress of specific range?
#32 opened by liquid8796 - 3
telegram_share_eachkey=false ignored
#30 opened by krishnathon2006 - 2
Issue running on
#27 opened by cujo30227 - 1
wallet pool
#29 opened by gokhan1987 - 1
- 3
Multi GPU trouble
#24 opened by fantrapa - 4
Can't run all available GPUs
#23 opened by AsicPrince - 0
- 1
Support multi GPU
#20 opened by allinbit - 1
Flag error
#19 opened by RealXIII - 1
Out of memory
#18 opened by fahimaltinordu - 5
Mac Support
#16 opened by Alexxino - 1
Token mandatory?
#15 opened by Flydancer - 1
Manually defeated
#17 opened by Alexxino - 2
API Documentation
#9 opened by milewski - 4
Flag error
#13 opened by kaanalican - 1
Multiple proof values for marking
#12 opened by ilkerccom - 6
- 24
error building
#10 opened by sari777 - 1
CPU and multi GPU support on Vanitysearch
#8 opened by ilkerccom - 1
Need a test pool
#7 opened by ilkerccom - 3
Accidental notification "Key Found"
#6 opened by ilkerccom - 2
- 4
- 4
#3 opened by sari777 - 7