
Vue.js cookie banner component.

Primary LanguageVue

Cookie Banner Project

This is a Vue.js cookie banner component for informing users about cookie use and, if necessary, obtaining consent for cookie use. Accepted or rejected cookie settings are saved in localStorage.


Getting Started

To get started you can simply clone this vue-component-create-eskireaccilar repository and install the dependencies.

Clone the vue-component-create-eskireaccilar repository using git:

git clone https://github.com/Front-End-Bootcamp/vue-component-create-eskireaccilar.git
cd vue-component-create-eskireaccilar

Install dependencies with this command:

npm install

Run the application with this command:

npm run dev



Prop Type Description Default
settings Array Items to show in Cookie Settings Tab [{name:'Option-I', status:true}]
title String Title to show the top of the banner "Title"
description String Text to show in the banner for information We baked some cookies that you have to accept, if you want to enjoy this website...
policyText String Text to show in the Cookie Policy Tab Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit...
rejectButtonVisibility Boolean Visibility state of the Reject button true

Event Emits

  • This component just emits 'buttonClick' event and it returns clicked button's title.

Recommended IDE Setup

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