
Notion CLI is a command-line tool that allows you to interact with Notion, a popular productivity and note-taking application. This tool provides various functionalities to manage your tasks and pages within Notion.


To install Notion CLI, follow these steps:

$ git clone

Go to the project directory.

$ cd notion-cli

Install requirements

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Make the file executable.

chmod +x

Create a bin directory (if it doesn't exist) and create symbolic link.
Do not forget to add ~/bin to PATH if it is not defined.

$ mkdir -p ~/bin
$ ln -s /path/to/notion-cli/directory/ notion-cli

You need to create and environmental variable called NOTIONDATABASEID, which is the database id of notion. look for database of notion. You can get the database id after creating a "appropriate" database from its url.

Here is the url of a database: The database id of this database is 03c4cd7c....578094d132 is the url of the database

Secondly, you have to have another environmental variable called NOTIONTOKEN, which is the token of the integration. You can create a python integration from the following my-integration page

Most importantly, you have the following coloums in your database. Task Name (Text), Status (Select), Priority (Select), Task Kind (Multi Select), Tag (Multi Select), Remaining Day (Date). Otherwise, you will get an error.


$ notion-cli --help
usage: notion-cli [-h] [-p {low,medium,high,overdue}] [-t TAG] [-s STATUS_NAME] [-d DATABASE_ID] [-k TASK_KIND] [-u]
                  [-a] [-l] [--change-date CHANGE_DATE] [--version]

Enables you to loosely interact with tokenized databases in notion.

positional arguments:
  title                 title of page (default: None)

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p {low,medium,high,overdue}, --priority {low,medium,high,overdue}
                        sets priority of page (default: medium)
  -t TAG, --tag TAG     sets tag name of the task (default: study)
  -s STATUS_NAME, --status-name STATUS_NAME
                        status of task (default: not started)
  -d DATABASE_ID, --database-id DATABASE_ID
                        working space id, column names and types should be same. (default: None)
  -k TASK_KIND, --task-kind TASK_KIND
                        enables to categorize page task (default: daily productivity)
  -u, --update-remaining-day
                        updates remaining day column, which shows the remaining day of task (default: False)
  -a, --arrange-priorities
                        set `overdue`as a priority if you miss the deadline of tasks (default: False)
  -l, --list
  --change-date CHANGE_DATE
  --version             show program's version number and exit


Adding a task about duolingo, with task kind = language, and tag = italian
The first word, duolingo in this case will determine the logo of the task page

$ notion-cli --task-kind language --tag italian 'duolingo - italian - 2 hours'