
It's designed to help developers on their day-to-day development activities. It eases some chore development activities and improves your productivity. :beers:

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction

heybot is my best friend on my daily development activities. It's designed to help developers on their day-to-day development activities. It eases some chore development activities and improves your productivity. It's worth trying it.

Happy coding! ☕

2. Requirements

heybot is mainly designed to work in

  • Redmine
  • Slack
  • Svn or Git

environment. If you use redmine as project management and issue tracking application, svn or git as version control system, slack and conventional e-mail as communication environment then heybot can help you.

Note: git support is brand new in v2.* of heybot. So, not all operations have git support. We're working on the issue, follow new releases for more git support.

For other ecosystems, you can fork the project or contribute directly to this project. All feedbacks and contributions are welcome. Source code is a java project which is developed in Netbeans IDE.

3. Installation

Heybot is tested and works on Mac OS X and Gnu/Linux distributions. The most important dependency is Java Runtime Environment for heybot.

Java 1.8+ (jre/jdk) have to be installed before heybot installation. You can check whether it's installed and version is sufficient by,

$ java -version
java version "1.8.0_65"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_65-b17)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.65-b01, mixed mode)

To install or update heybot easily, you can use the install.sh script using cURL:

bash -c "$(curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/csonuryilmaz/heybot/master/install.sh)"

or wget:

bash -c "$(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/csonuryilmaz/heybot/master/install.sh)"

If cURL or wget method doesn't work for you, you can follow below steps manually;

  • download latest version of heybot from latest release
  • extract archive
  • execute installation script
wget https://github.com/csonuryilmaz/heybot/releases/download/
tar -zxvf heybot-
cd heybot-
chmod a+x install.sh

Above command will downlod heybot archive into current directory.

In order to download into different directory, for example ~/Downloads

wget https://github.com/csonuryilmaz/heybot/releases/download/ -P ~/Downloads
tar -zxvf ~/Downloads/heybot-
chmod a+x heybot-

It will ask for sudo permission at installation process, so your user should be a sudoer. (Or maybe you can run installation script as root, but it's not recommended.) If everything is okay, you should see (ascii) logo and version information when you execute

$ heybot -v
  _           _       _
 | |_ ___ _ _| |_ ___| |_
 |   | -_| | | . | . |  _|
 |_|_|___|_  |___|___|_|

Copyright (c) 2017 Onur Yılmaz
MIT License: <https://github.com/csonuryilmaz/heybot/blob/master/LICENSE.txt>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

When you call heybot with no parameter it'll print help documentation

$ heybot
  _           _       _
 | |_ ___ _ _| |_ ___| |_
 |   | -_| | | . | . |  _|
 |_|_|___|_  |___|___|_|

usage: heybot -d <arg> [-h] [-v] [-l] [-lp <arg>] [-i <arg>] [-s <arg>]
       [-o <arg>] [-r <arg>] [-e <arg>] [-c <arg>]

Designed to help developers on their day-to-day development activities.
Works in subversion and redmine ecosystem.

 -d,--do <arg>             Heybot operation file with .hb extension.
 -h,--help                 Prints this help message.
 -v,--version              Prints detailed version information.
 -l,--list                 Lists all operation files in workspace.
 -lp,--list-prefix <arg>   Lists operation files in workspace which starts
                           with given value.
 -i,--insert <arg>         Inserts (by replacing if exists) given
                           parameter values of an operation.
 -s,--select <arg>         Selects all parameters with values of an
 -o,--open <arg>           Opens operation file by default external editor
                           in order to view or modify.
 -r,--remove <arg>         Removes operation file from workspace.
 -e,--editor <arg>         Sets default external editor used when a file
                           needs to be viewed or edited.
 -c,--copy <arg>           Copies an operation file as a new operation
                           file in workspace.

Report bugs to "csonuryilmaz@gmail.com"
  or drop an issue @ http://bit.ly/2S83xvy
Releases: http://bit.ly/2BukdrR
Document: http://bit.ly/2Sd8zqQ

Happy coding!

4. Usage

It's very easy to use heybot and its call syntax is like commanding a bot. It's as easy as saying this

heybot -do something.hb

Also you can shorten command like

heybot something

This is the main syntax and now you've learned most of it. You write details into a configuration file with extension .hb. Then you say to heybot

Hey bot! Do my job (operation) which is defined in the file I gave.

For example; I want to begin a redmine issue with creating a branch and checking it out to my workspace, I call this

heybot -do begin-issue-1293.hb

or shortly

heybot begin-issue-1293

In templates folder you can find example .hb templates for each operation. You can copy them, and define your own operation by filling parameters.

Note: 🚫 📝 @todo templates Will be reviewed and updated!

Let's dive into some details and explain them with examples.

5. Operations

Below there is a list of operations that you can use with heybot.

5.1. Begin-Issue

It's used when starting to develop a Redmine issue. It creates a new branch from trunk, downloads Subversion branch into local disk, updates issue status and triggers your IDE to begin working.

Required parameters:

  • REDMINE_URL= Redmine API url. (most of the time this is root url of your redmine installation)
  • REDMINE_TOKEN= Redmine API access key taken from my account page.
  • ISSUE= Redmine issue number which will be developed. (integer)
  • REPOSITORY_PATH= Subversion repository path. (Most of the time Repository Root field when svn info is executed on local working copy.)
  • TRUNK_PATH= Subversion (project) trunk folder, which is defined relative to Repository Root.
  • BRANCHES_PATH= Subversion branches folder, which is defined relative to Repository Root.

Optional parameters:

  • ASSIGNEE_ID= Redmine user_id which identifies Redmine user. (After you logged in Redmine, click on your username on the left-hand side to open your activity page. Redmine user_id is the number at the end of the URL. For example, if URL is http://kyrepo-apps.sourcerepo.com/redmine/kyrepo/users/5 then 5 is your Redmine user_id.)
    • Note: If you use this parameter, heybot will check whether you're ASSIGNEE of the given ISSUE. So it'll prevent you from mistakenly begining another developer's issue.
  • BEGAN_STATUS= Redmine issue status which will be updated to. For example, in progress for a started issue.
  • WORKSPACE_PATH= If not empty, heybot will download created branch into your local disk. Equivalent to svn checkout of your branch.
  • IDE_PATH= If not empty, heybot will trigger IDE with downloaded project folder. So you can start working immediately. Parameter is used in two ways
    • When only IDE executable path is given, it will append project folder at the end of the parameter and run. Example;
      • /home/onur/netbeans-8.2/bin/netbeans
    • When a command is given with an insertion mask about project folder (%s syntax is used), it will replace %s with project folder and run. Example;
      • open %s/Kitapyurdu.xcodeproj/
  • REFRESH_IF_EXISTS= While creating new branch from trunk, if branch exists normally heybot will do nothing and continue to other steps. (checkout, issue status update vs.) But if you want to refresh branch and create a new one at repository although it exists, then give true value for this parameter. This is an exceptional case and most of the its value will be false.
  • CACHE_ENABLED= Heybot uses cache internally to optimize checkout process. I strongly recommend this option to be true for faster beginning of issus. Otherwise it'll always fresh checkout project; depending on your internet speed and projectg size it may be a slow process.
  • SWITCH_FROM_ISSUE= Also there is another option to speed up checkout process when you don't use CACHE_ENABLED. If you have completed development of some issues and you don't need them in the future; by giving its number as value, heybot will convert it into new ISSUE so you will save up from local disk space and also it'll be a faster checkout because of svn switch.
  • CHECKOUT_IF_SWITCH_FAILS= If switching from an existing issue fails in someway, and you don't want the checkout process to be broken, setting it true will checkout project folder in traditional, slower way.

If you want to execute some command at the end of begin issue process below use below optional parameters for SSH credentials and executable.

  • REMOTE_HOST= Hostname or IP of remote machine which has an eligible SSH access with username and password.
  • REMOTE_USER= SSH user's username.
  • REMOTE_PASS= SSH user's password.
  • REMOTE_PORT= If empty, default 22 is assumed. Enter integer value if server has custom port for SSH connections.
  • REMOTE_EXEC= Enter any bash command here. It may be a simple executable bash file or a combination of piped commands. Internally when heybot connected to host by SSH, working directory is user's home directory. For example; /home/onur/ So for successful execution, test your command and be sure it's working on remote host's user home directory. Then it'll work in heybot without any problem. If entered command contains $issue keyword, all occurences will be replaced with the value of ISSUE parameter.


# File: begin-i3436.hb


# ************
# * required *
# ************

# credentials (redmine)

# issue

# repository (svn)

# ************
# * optional *
# ************


# issue
BEGAN_STATUS=in progress

# local

# remote command execution
REMOTE_EXEC=php create-issue/app.php $issue

5.2. Begin-Issue-With-Git

This operation usually is used when you begin a new Redmine development issue. (feature, bug fix vs.) Although some parameters are optional, if you use all of them, heybot provides below features:

  • Checks whether issue is assigned to developer for possible mistakes
  • Checks whether git credentials are valid for other git operations
  • Supports ssh public key or http(s) authentication for remote git operations
  • To eliminate possible repository failures, uses internal cache for repository, so clones repository from remote once, and on every new issue provides you fresh consistent branch fastly
  • Creates new branch on local workspace, switches to that branch and if the branch doesn't exist on remote, pushes the branch
  • If branch exists on local workspace, pulls new updates to branch and if the branch is behind, for example you've pushed some new commits from another machine or your colleague pushed some new commmits, pulls new commits with rebase and fast-forward the branch
  • Supports and uses git stash feature when fast-forward the branch if the branch has local uncommitted modifications
  • Makes git config modifications on the branch which doesn't affect your global git configuration, supports git config user.name and user.email modifications
  • Updates Redmine issue status to defined status, for example in progress
  • If defined, executes remote commands using ssh connection on a remote machine, for example used when application under development needs some configuration for runtime
  • Triggers your favorite IDE with ready branch, and from now on you can begin working on the issue

Required parameters:

  • REDMINE_URL= Redmine API URL which is, most of the time, root URL of your redmine installation.
  • REDMINE_TOKEN= Redmine API access key taken from my account page.
  • ISSUE= Redmine issue number which will be developed. integer
  • GIT_PROTOCOL= Used protocol for remote git operations. ssh || https || http
  • GIT_REPOSITORY= Repository URL for master branch. Don't need to prefix with ssh or http(s) because of GIT_PROTOCOL parameter. But repository URL must be compatible with GIT_PROTOCOL.
  • If GIT_PROTOCOL == https || http then
    • GIT_USERNAME= Git user, username to authenticate git.
    • GIT_PASSWORD= Git user, password to authenticate git.
  • If GIT_PROTOCOL == ssh then
    • SSH_PRIVATE_KEY= ssh key file path on local machine, to authenticate git. To generate your ssh public key, follow git server's instructions, for example gitlab
  • WORKSPACE_PATH= Location on your machine which keeps local branches. heybot creates a new branch folder with ISSUE number for every begun issue and every branch is isolated from each other on local workspace.

Optional parameters:

  • ASSIGNEE_ID= Redmine user_id which identifies Redmine user. integer
    • If parameter is filled, heybot checks whether issue is assigned to user so prevents developer from mistakenly begining another developer's issue.
    • After you logged in Redmine, click on your username on the left-hand side to open your activity page. Redmine user_id is the number at the end of the URL. For example, if URL is http://www.example.com/users/5 then 5 is your Redmine user_id.
  • BEGUN_STATUS= Redmine issue status which will be updated to, for example, in progress for a started issue.
    • If parameter is filled, heybot tries to update issue status. If the issue status is already in given status, it won't be a problem. In order to be successful, Redmine workflow configuration must be compatible with update, otherwise the issue status will remain as is.
  • IDE_PATH= Local path of IDE executable file.
    • If parameter is filled, used as a last step when the local branch is ready. IDE is triggered with the local branch parameter so you can start working immediately on the issue.
    • Parameter can be used in two ways:
      • When only IDE executable path is given, for example like this /home/onur/netbeans-8.2/bin/netbeans, the local branch folder will be appended at the end of the parameter and the result command'll be executed.
      • When a command is given with an insertion mask about the local branch folder, %s syntax is used for example like this open %s/Kitapyurdu.xcodeproj/, %s will be replaced with the local branch folder and the result command'll be executed.
  • GIT_CONFIG_USER_NAME= Git user.name configuration on the local branch.
    • If parameter is filled, heybot makes git config to modify user.name on the local branch.
    • It won't affect other branches, git projects or your global git configuration.
    • If desired, this configuration can be made by developer manually with git config at a later time, or global config can be used.
  • GIT_CONFIG_USER_EMAIL= Git user.email configuration on the local branch.
    • If parameter is filled, heybot makes git config to modify user.email on the local branch.
    • It won't affect other branches, git projects or your global git configuration.
    • If desired, this configuration can be made by developer manually with git config at a later time, or global config can be used.
  • PROJECT_NAME= If you need to override project name for some reason, which is extracted from repository url, you can use this optional parameter. Project name is also used in branch naming. By default, when heybot creates local working copy (or in other words, local branch), it uses last token from repository URL as project name. For example;
    • When GIT_REPOSITORY=git@gitlab.example.com:root/foobarproj.git then
      • created local branch is $WORKSPACE_PATH/i$ISSUE/foobarproj, checkout branch name is i$ISSUE/foobarproj
    • If PROJECT_NAME=FooBarProj is given as project name in this case, then
      • created local branch is $WORKSPACE_PATH/i$ISSUE/FooBarProj, checkout branch name is i$ISSUE/FooBarProj

If you need to execute some commands when the local branch is ready, use below optional parameters for ssh connection and remote command execution.

  • REMOTE_HOST= Hostname or IP of remote machine(s) which has an eligible ssh access with username and password.
    • Comma seperated multiple machines are accepted. Remote command exection will be done in order, one by one.
  • REMOTE_USER= ssh user's username.
  • REMOTE_PASS= ssh user's password.
  • REMOTE_PORT= If empty, default port 22 is assumed. Fill in integer value if the ssh server has custom port for ssh connections.
  • REMOTE_EXEC= Fill in any bash command. It may be a simple executable bash file or a combination of piped commands. Internally when heybot connected to host with ssh, current working directory is user's home directory. For example, /home/onur/. So, for successful execution, test your command and be sure it's working on remote host's user home directory. Then it'll work in heybot without any problem.
    • If the command contains $issue keyword, all occurences will be replaced with the value of ISSUE parameter.

If you need to execute some local commands when the local branch is ready, use below optional parameter. Its purpose is to trigger some post operations after local branch checkout. For example, composer or maven updates.

  • LOCAL_EXEC= Fill in any bash command. It may be a simple executable bash file or a combination of piped commands.
    • heybot executes given command at local, in local branch folder directory. So, for successful execution, test your command and be sure it's working in project folder.

Note: For some reason git pull can make local (uncommitted) modifications which may cause branch checkout failure. (git pull=git fetch + git merge) Cache is designed to be used by heybot for internal purposes. It should not contain any local changes, made by git or user. So, if cache contains uncommitted or untracked changes, heybot cleans local working copy before git pull and branch checkout. In other words, to increase success of git pull, we make sure our working area is clean before doing the pull.

Example: http || https Git Credentials

# File: begin-aws-task.hb


# ************
# * required *
# ************

# credentials (redmine)

# issue

# git repo

# location which keeps local branches

# ************
# * optional *
# ************

# project/branch naming

# git config

# issue
BEGUN_STATUS=in progress

# open ide to start development

# remote command execution
REMOTE_EXEC=php create-issue/app.php $issue

Example: ssh Git Credentials

# File: begin-aws-task.hb


# ************
# * required *
# ************

# credentials (redmine)

# issue

# git repo

# location which keeps local branches

# ************
# * optional *
# ************

# project/branch naming

# git config

# issue
BEGUN_STATUS=in progress

# open ide to start development

# remote command execution
REMOTE_EXEC=php create-issue/app.php $issue

5.3. Upload

It uploads local changes in the working copy (output of svn st command) to a remote server by SFTP protocol.

Required parameters:

  • HOST= IP or hostnames of remote server(s) to connect. (Comma seperated multiple servers are accepted.)
  • USERNAME= Username to login remote server.
  • PASSWORD= Password to login remote server.
  • REMOTE_PATH= Remote working directory to send changes.

Optional parameters:

  • SOURCE_PATH= Local working directory to take changes from. If not given or empty, current working directory (where heybot command is triggered) is assumed. (pwd)


# File: send-local-changes-to-test-servers.hb


# ************
# * required *
# ************


# ************
# * optional *
# ************


5.4. Upload Git Diff

It uploads git diff changes in the local working copy to a remote server by SFTP protocol. It's more powerful and functional when compared to upload operation. With optional parameters, upload-git-diff operation responds to various cases described with below examples.

Required parameters:

  • REMOTE_HOST= Hostname or IP of remote machine which has an eligible SFTP access with username and password. (Comma seperated multiple servers are accepted.)
  • REMOTE_USER= SFTP user's username.
  • REMOTE_PASS= SFTP user's password.
  • MODE= Value is either P2P or W2W
    • P2P: Path-to-path working mode. Used for uploading changes from one local path to one remote path. No need to be logical relation between local path and remote path. For example, you're working on a branch and while developing you upload local changes to test or preprod environment to make some tests.
    • W2W: Workspace-to-workspace working mode. Used for uploading local branch changes to remote deployed branch. It's meaningful when used with begin-with-git operation. You can configure local workspace and remote workspace once, and then only by modifying (on-the-fly) ISSUE parameter you can upload any branch's changes to its remote equivalent.

Optional parameters:

  • REMOTE_PORT= If empty, default 22 is assumed. Enter integer value if server has custom port for SFTP connections.
  • When MODE is W2W:
    • ISSUE= Redmine issue number which is in progress or being developed. integer
    • SOURCE_WORKSPACE= It's the path (parent folder) where you keep all the branches in your localhost. Root directory which contains different branches.
    • REMOTE_WORKSPACE= It's the equivalent root path of local workspace directory on remote host. For example, it's the folder where you keep all the branches on remote host.
    • PROJECT_PATH= Identifies the project folder structure in workspace. For example, SOURCE_WORKSPACE is /home/onur/awesomeProjs and we have two branches related with two different Redmine issues: i100/aProj and i200/aProj. In this case, PROJECT_PATH should be i$issue/aProj. $issue marker will be replaced with ISSUE value at runtime.
  • When MODE is P2P:
    • SOURCE_PATH= Local working directory to take changes (git diff) from. If not given or empty, current working directory (where heybot is triggered) is assumed. (pwd)
    • REMOTE_PATH= Remote working directory to send/upload changes.


# File: send-git-diff-to-test.hb


# ************
# * required *
# ************

# working mode

# remote (ssh)

# ************
# * optional *
# ************


When you run heybot send-git-diff-to-test, heybot will upload git diff of local /Users/smith/NetBeansProjects/aProj to /var/www/html/test/aProj.

If you remove SOURCE_PATH, you can run the operation from any project folder. Current working directory will be set as SOURCE_PATH automatically. It's useful when working with different branches at the same time. You can upload local branch 1 or branch 2 with the same configuration file to same remote path.

# File: send-git-diff.hb


# ************
# * required *
# ************

# working mode

# remote (ssh)

# ************
# * optional *
# ************


When you run heybot send-git-diff 100, heybot will upload git diff of local /Users/smith/gitlab/branches/i100/aProj to remote /var/www/html/branches/i100/aProj. With same configuration file, only updating ISSUE on-the-fly parameter, you can upload several different branches to their remote equivalents.

5.5. Upload File

It's designed to work with IDE file watchers. File watcher allows you to automatically run a command-line tool like compilers, formatters, or linters when you change or save a file in the IDE. If you want to upload saved or modified file to remote server, you can use upload file operation. Its one file processing logic, is more efficient than above upload operation which uploads all changes when triggered. File watcher doesn't trigger when a file or directory is deleted because after delete there is no file to work on. As similar, file watcher don't trigger when an empty directory is created, because it's not a file. But don't worry! When you add a new file into that empty directory it'll be triggered and when you create a new file with the same name, which was previously deleted, but probably has different content, it'll be triggered. On both cases you'll have the ability to upload meaningful (up-to-date) changes to server although server has some additional changes that you don't have. But those are redundant, mostly passive changes.

In a nutshell, by combining with an IDE file watcher, upload-file operation enables you to work with remote servers. While you're editing project files, it'll automatically upload saved files to remote host and keep changes in sync with your local project.

Required parameters:

  • REMOTE_HOST= Hostname or IP of remote machine which has an eligible SFTP access with username and password. (Comma seperated multiple servers are accepted.)
  • REMOTE_USER= SFTP user's username.
  • REMOTE_PASS= SFTP user's password.
  • REMOTE_WORKSPACE= It's the equivalent root path of local workspace directory on remote host. For example, it's the folder where you keep all the branches on remote host.
  • SOURCE_WORKSPACE= It's the path (parent folder) where you keep all the branches in your localhost. Root directory which contains different branches.

Optional parameters:

  • REMOTE_PORT= If empty, default 22 is assumed. Enter integer value if server has custom port for SFTP connections.


# File: upload-saved-file.hb


# ************
# * required *
# ************


# ************
# * optional *
# ************


Example scenario about given example .hb file:

  • I keep all branches at /home/onur/sourcerepo/web/branch localhost.
  • I open branch related with redmine issue #5421 for code editing.
  • Local branch path is /home/onur/sourcerepo/web/branch/i5421/hiPhpProject
  • I edited and saved index.php file whose local path is /home/onur/sourcerepo/web/branch/i5421/hiPhpProject/index.php.
  • File watcher is triggered and heybot uploads file to remote path /var/www/html/branch/i5421/hiPhpProject/index.php.

Heybot assumes the same folder structure between local and remote host, so it replaces source workspace path with remote workspace path. By means of this assumption, you don't need any modification to hb file between different projects. You can use the same file watcher globally for all projects.

5.5.1 Example Configuration for PhpStorm File Watcher

Open File > Settings > Tools > File Watchers. You will see list of file watchers. Heybot upload-file operation can be used both Global level or Project level.

Click + (plus) button to add a new file watcher and select <custom> template for new file watcher.


Below, suggested settings for heybot:


  • Give you file watcher a Name related with its function.
  • File Type should be set to Any but limiting to some types only can make minimal network traffic.
  • Scope should be set to Project Files. You can also use other optionns to make minimal network traffic.
  • As heybot is installed globally, you can enter heybot into Program textbox. Also full executable path can be used.
  • Enter two arguments into Arguments textbox. First argument is heybot file, and second one is saved or edited file's full path. ($FileDir$/$FileName$)
  • Working Directory should be set to $ProjectFileDir$.
  • For Advanced Options only second option is suggested for minimal network traffic. But you can use other options also.
  • Always or at least On Error is suggested for Show Console option in order to track file watcher activity.

Below is exported xml of above file watcher:

    <option name="arguments" value="up-wktp-t12 $FileDir$/$FileName$" />
    <option name="checkSyntaxErrors" value="true" />
    <option name="description" />
    <option name="exitCodeBehavior" value="ALWAYS" />
    <option name="fileExtension" value="*" />
    <option name="immediateSync" value="false" />
    <option name="name" value="sftp-upload" />
    <option name="output" value="" />
    <option name="outputFilters">
      <array />
    <option name="outputFromStdout" value="false" />
    <option name="program" value="heybot" />
    <option name="runOnExternalChanges" value="true" />
    <option name="scopeName" value="Project Files" />
    <option name="trackOnlyRoot" value="false" />
    <option name="workingDir" value="$ProjectFileDir$" />
    <envs />

5.6. Cleanup

It deletes issues (branches) which is closed, deployed, merged or any status you defined, from local workspace. Redmine issue statuses are completely configurable. By using cleanup operation, you can get rid of stale branches and save some disk space.

It is most useful, when using seperate folders for different issues. This is the default behaviour of begin-issue-with-git. It creates new folder specific to issue for each began issue. If you 're using one local repository and switch between issues by switching branches, you don't need this function since you have one folder for all branches.

Required parameters:

  • REDMINE_URL= Redmine API URL which is, most of the time, root URL of your redmine installation.
  • REDMINE_TOKEN= Redmine API access key taken from my account page.
  • REDMINE_STATUS= Redmine issue status which denotes a stale issue (or branch). One or more string, comma seperated values are accepted. When issue status is one of the given values, its local branch will be deleted from disk.
  • WORKSPACE_PATH= Location on your machine which keeps local branches. heybot detects issues automatically from workspace, checks Redmine statuses and deletes if compatible with REDMINE_STATUS values.

Optional parameters:

  • LIMIT= Maximum count to delete branches. If not given or empty, unlimited is assumed. For example, when 2 is given then heybot runs until 2 local branches are deleted. When it reaches 2 deleted branch count, it terminates.
  • DELETE_WHEN_ISSUE_NOT_FOUND= Indicates that if issue is not found on Redmine, heybot will delete local branch or not. Boolean value true | false. It's useful when issue is deleted from Redmine instead of updating its status.


# File: delete_closed_branches.hb


# ************
# * required *
# ************



# ************
# * optional *
# ************


5.7. Cleanup-Git

It deletes issues (branches) which is closed, deployed, merged or any status you defined, from remote git repository. Redmine issue statuses are completely configurable. By using cleanup-git operation, you can get rid of stale branches and save some disk space on VCS server.

This operation uses cached git repository which is also used by begin-issue-with-git. If cache is empty, it clones repository for the first time. If cache has repository, it fetches remote ref updates. It not only deletes remote branch but also deletes local branch ref from cached repository.

Required parameters:

  • REDMINE_URL= Redmine API URL which is, most of the time, root URL of your redmine installation.
  • REDMINE_TOKEN= Redmine API access key taken from my account page.
  • REDMINE_STATUS= Redmine issue status which denotes a stale issue (or branch). One or more string, comma seperated values are accepted. When issue status is one of the given values, its remote branch will be deleted from git.
    • There are two special values that you can add to redmine statuses:
      • 404: When issue is not found on Redmine, heybot will delete git branch.
      • 403: For any reason when not authorized to get status, heybot will delete git branch.
  • GIT_PROTOCOL= Used protocol for remote git operations. ssh || https || http
  • GIT_REPOSITORY= Repository URL for master branch. Don't need to prefix with ssh or http(s) because of GIT_PROTOCOL parameter. But repository URL must be compatible with GIT_PROTOCOL.
  • If GIT_PROTOCOL == https || http then
    • GIT_USERNAME= Git user, username to authenticate git.
    • GIT_PASSWORD= Git user, password to authenticate git.
  • If GIT_PROTOCOL == ssh then
    • SSH_PRIVATE_KEY= ssh key file path on local machine, to authenticate git. To generate your ssh public key, follow git server's instructions, for example gitlab

Optional parameters:

  • LIMIT= Maximum count to delete branches. If not given or empty, unlimited is assumed. For example, when 2 is given then heybot runs until 2 remote branches are deleted. When it reaches 2 deleted branch count, it terminates.
  • GIT_CONFIG_USER_NAME= Git user.name configuration on repository.
    • If parameter is filled, heybot makes git config to modify user.name on cached git repository.
  • GIT_CONFIG_USER_EMAIL= Git user.email configuration on repository.
    • If parameter is filled, heybot makes git config to modify user.email on cached git repository.


# File: remove_done_branches.hb


# ************
# * required *
# ************



# ************
# * optional *
# ************



5.8. Cleanup-Git-Tags

It deletes git tags which are considered to be stale. Tags are useful for versioning your software.

From git SCM docs;

.. Like most VCSs, Git has the ability to tag specific points in a repository’s history as being important. Typically, people use this functionality to mark release points (v1.0, v2.0 and so on). ..

As time passes, some tags become obsolete and you don't need to keep them. They are undeployable or impractical to use. By using cleanup-git-tags operation, you can get rid of those tags and keep only what matters most. Tags should be named with software version numbers. Defining a version constraint and a comparison operator, you can remove one or more stale tags in a single execution. Heybot uses version compare library for version comparison. For more information about comparison logic about version numbers, see its docs.

This operation uses cached git repository which is also used by begin-issue-with-git. If cache is empty, it clones repository for the first time. If cache has repository, it fetches remote ref updates. It not only deletes remote tags but also deletes local tags ref from cached repository.

If you're using gitlab, it's a common practice to make protected tags. When tags are used for software versioning, a tag has a one-to-one relation with deployed software. So, in order to prevent accidental update or deletion, tags should be protected. If heybot can't delete a tag and it's a protected tag, heybot can automatically update that tag as unprotected and then delete it. If you don't define any gitlab parameter, heybot will ignore protected tag and it won't delete it.

Required parameters:

  • VERSION= Version string as a constraint. For example, Value is used in version comparison. One or both of the below parameters must be given to define comparison operator:
    • IS_EQUAL= If true, tags whose name is equal to VERSION value will be deleted. (true || false)
    • LOWER_THAN= If true, tags whose name is lower than VERSION value will be deleted. (true || false)
      • Both paramaters may be used at the same time. If both true, tags whose name is equal or lower than VERSION value will be deleted. Both can't be false, it's logically an error case.
  • GIT_PROTOCOL= Used protocol for remote git operations. ssh || https || http
  • GIT_REPOSITORY= Repository URL for master branch. Don't need to prefix with ssh or http(s) because of GIT_PROTOCOL parameter. But repository URL must be compatible with GIT_PROTOCOL.
  • If GIT_PROTOCOL == https || http then
    • GIT_USERNAME= Git user, username to authenticate git.
    • GIT_PASSWORD= Git user, password to authenticate git.
  • If GIT_PROTOCOL == ssh then
    • SSH_PRIVATE_KEY= ssh key file path on local machine, to authenticate git. To generate your ssh public key, follow git server's instructions, for example gitlab

Optional parameters:

  • GITLAB_URL= URL to your gitlab server.
  • GITLAB_TOKEN= Personal access token from your gitlab account settings page. See here.
  • GITLAB_PROJECT_ID= "Project ID" value at project page. (integer)
  • GIT_CONFIG_USER_NAME= Git user.name configuration on repository.
    • If parameter is filled, heybot makes git config to modify user.name on cached git repository.
  • GIT_CONFIG_USER_EMAIL= Git user.email configuration on repository.
    • If parameter is filled, heybot makes git config to modify user.email on cached git repository.
  • LIMIT= Maximum count to delete tags. If not given or empty, unlimited is assumed. For example, when 2 is given then heybot runs until 2 remote tags are deleted. When it reaches 2 deleted tag count, it terminates.


# File: remove_old_tags.hb


# ************
# * required *
# ************




# ************
# * optional *
# ************




5.9. Review

🚫 📝 @todo Will be reviewed and updated!

It updates the status of issue as testing, in review or anything you defined in your redmine configuration. Then tries to merge changes from an issue to an existing working copy. (most of the time, existing working copy is trunk) It preemptively postpones any conflicts for later resolution.

Required Parameters:

  • ISSUE= Issue number(or ID) to review. (merge from)
  • ISSUE_STATUS_TO_UPDATE= Issue status will be updated to defined parameter, which indicates the operation done.
  • SUBVERSION_PATH= Branch subversion directory where all branches are kept.
  • REDMINE_TOKEN= Redmine API access key taken from my account page.
  • REDMINE_URL= Redmine API url. (most of the time this is root url of your redmine installation)

Optional parameters:

  • SOURCE_PATH= Existing working copy to make changes. (merge to) If not given or empty, current working directory is assumed. (pwd)
  • ISSUE_STATUS_SHOULD_BE= The status of issue that can be reviewed and eligible to test. If issue status is not equals to this parameter, operation won't begin.


# File: review_issue.hb

# operation

# required parameters

# optional parameters

5.10. Check-New

🚫 📝 @todo Will be reviewed and updated!

It checks whether redmine has new issues with given status(optional) and sends a notification message to defined slack channel/user. (Post to channel configuration is done from slack panel. Please, check out below notes.) For example; you can get notifications about newly added issues from a redmine project.

Required Parameters:

  • PROJECT= Project name to follow new issues.
  • REDMINE_TOKEN= Redmine API access key taken from my account page.
  • REDMINE_URL= Redmine API url. (most of the time this is root url of your redmine installation)
  • WEBHOOK_URL= Slack incoming webhook to send notifications.

Optional Parameters:

  • ISSUE_STATUS= Check status of newly added issue with this defined value. If empty, there will be no status check.

Internal Parameters:

  • LAST_ISSUE= Last issue number that has been notified about. (This parameter will be modified by heybot after each execution.) If doesn't have value, 0 assumed.
  • LAST_CREATED_ON= Last notified issue's created timestamp. (This parameter will be modified by heybot after each execution.) When last notified issue is deleted or unreachable this timestamp is used to filter new issues.


# File: check_new_issue.hb

# operation

# required parameters

# optional parameters

# internal parameters
LAST_CREATED_ON=2017-04-03 11\:40\:10

Also you can schedule this operation with a crontab entry. For example, below entry will check new issues at 5 minutes interval;

*/5 * * * * /usr/local/bin/heybot -d check_new.hb 1> /dev/null 2> /var/www/html/heybot.log

5.11. Sync-Issue

🚫 📝 @todo Will be reviewed and updated!

In our software development life cycle, we have a redmine project which is used like a ticket system for our customers. When they discover a bug or need a revision, they open a new issue on that redmine project. Let's name it support project. All those issues on support project are physically related to development issues which reside in our internal development projects. Although life-cycle of a typical development issue is very detailed, life-cycle of a typical support issue is very simple: New -> In Progress -> Closed. (Sometimes it can have this cycle when it's paused for some time: In Progress -> On Hold -> In Progress) These states are enough for customers to track their issues roughly. When they need to see the details, they can open an issue and look at detailed statuses of related issues just in a minute.

Although we manage and update statuses of issues at our internal development projects very often in order to track our internal process, we don't have any time to sync state of internal issues to their related support issues. This process contains not only syncing statuses but also adding internal issues' assignees as watchers to support issues and updating start dates, end dates of support issues from internal issues correctly. Why adding assignee as watcher? Because developer, who's working with internal issue, should get latest changes and notifications from its related support issue in order to get things done correctly and on time. Why updating start and end dates? Because most of the issues aren't handled as soon as it's opened. They wait in queue for days and sometimes weeks before they are handled.

This operation is built to help us manage this mechanical process. Goal is to automatically manage status, assignee-watcher, start date and end date of an support issue by processing its related internal or development issues.

Required Parameters:

  • SUPPORT_PROJECT= Support or ticket project name which is used by customers. (N)
  • SUPPORT_NEW_STATUS= Support status which is corresponding to new status.
  • SUPPORT_IN_PROGRESS_STATUS= Support status which is corresponding to in progress status.
  • SUPPORT_ON_HOLD_STATUS= Support status which is corresponding to on hold status.
  • SUPPORT_CLOSED_STATUS= Support status which is corresponding to closed status.
  • SUPPORT_SYNC_START_DATE= Modify support issue start date from internal issues. (new -> *) true || false
  • SUPPORT_SYNC_DUE_DATE= Modify support issue due date from internal issues. (* -> closed) true || false
  • INTERNAL_PROJECT= Internal development projects which are used by your team. (N)
  • INTERNAL_NEW_STATUS= Internal statuses which are corresponding to new status of SUPPORT. (N)
  • INTERNAL_IN_PROGRESS_STATUS= Internal statuses which are corresponding to in progress status of SUPPORT. (N)
  • INTERNAL_ON_HOLD_STATUS= Internal statuses which are corresponding to on hold status of SUPPORT. (N)
  • INTERNAL_CLOSED_STATUS= Internal statuses which are corresponding to closed status of SUPPORT. (N)
  • SUPPORT_WATCHER= Internal issue fields to check as support issue watcher. (N)
  • REDMINE_TOKEN= Redmine API access key taken from my account page.
  • REDMINE_URL= Redmine API url. (most of the time this is root url of your redmine installation)

Internal Parameters:

  • LAST_CHECK_TIME= Last execution time of this operation. (This parameter will be modified by heybot after each execution. It's designed to improve efficiency of the operation. It will process changes from last execution time. So you can execute the operation very often, in short durations. If empty, current timestamp will be set as last check time.)


  • (N) If there are more than one value to enter, you can write all of them as comma-separated values. Please check examples.
  • NEW In order to update support issue as new status, all of the related internal issues must be in new status.
  • IN_PROGRESS In order to update support issue as in progress status one of the related internal issues is enough to be in in progress status.
  • ON_HOLD In order to update support issue as on hold status one of the related internal issues is enough to be in on hold status.
  • CLOSED In order to update support issue as closed status, all of the related internal issues must be in closed status.
  • It detects start date from in progress status logs of related internal issues. Minimum internal in progress date will set as start date of support issue.
  • It detects due date from closed status logs of related internal issues. Maximum internal closed date will set as due date of support issue.
  • It maintains watchers of support issues automatically. First detects all watcher candidates from internal issues defined by SUPPORT_WATCHER fields. Then compares them with support issue watchers. After comparison it adds or deletes watchers.
  • Some updates on issues (for example, adding a relation to an issue) don't update issue's updated on timestamp. In this case, heybot sync-issue operation won't catch the updated issue. This situation totally comes from redmine design, so it's not a bug. (details)


# File: sync_support_issue.hb

# operation

# required parameters
INTERNAL_IN_PROGRESS_STATUS=Rework,In Progress,Resolved,In Review,Reviewed,In Test,Accepted

# internal parameters
LAST_CHECK_TIME=Sat Nov 19 15:45:11 EET 2016

5.12. Next-Version

🚫 📝 @todo Will be reviewed and updated!

It enables you to maintain your new release or version of software easily, with friction free. It orchestrates redmine version, its related issues and your codebase. Very briefly, when you're ready to release a new version of your software;

  • checks waiting issues ready to relase
  • closes old version
  • computes new version number (like semantic versioning)
  • creates a new version
  • assigns new version to your waiting issues
  • updates your codebase with new version number
  • creates subversion tag for new release

@todo Documentation about next-version will be detailed for different use cases.

Required Parameters:

  • REDMINE_TOKEN= Redmine API access key taken from my account page.
  • REDMINE_URL= Redmine API url. (most of the time this is root url of your redmine installation)
  • MAJOR_TRACKER= Redmine issue tracker which increments feature number. [1]
  • MINOR_TRACKER= Redmine issue tracker which increments revision number. [1]
  • PATCH_TRACKER= Redmine issue tracker which increments bug/refactoring number. [1]
  • FILTER_PROJECT= Redmine project which your software and version belongs to.
  • FILTER_QUERY= List of issues (a redmine saved query) which gives ready to release and version issues.
  • VERSION_TITLE= Mostly this is codename of your software and it's prefix of version title. Ex; debian- Version title is debian.

Optional Parameters:

  • APPEND_CURRENT= Set true when you don't create a new version and append ready issues to current version. true || false
  • CREATE_SVN_TAG= Set true when you want to create subversion tag for version and update your codebase with new version number. true || false
  • CLOSE_PREVIOUS= Set true if you want to close previous version. It's meaningful when APPEND_CURRENT is false. Because you're creating new one, and want to close existing one. true || false
  • Note: below parameters are used when CREATE_SVN_TAG is true.
  • REPOSITORY_PATH= Subversion repository of your codebase.
  • TRUNK_PATH= Trunk path of your project. (relative to REPOSITORY PATH) Don't write full path.
  • APP_VERSION_FILE_PATH= Files in your project that keeps version number and must be updated every new release. These files will be modified and committed.
  • APP_VERSION_FILE_PATTERN= Line which contains version information. The value of concrete version must be masked. Please look at example.
  • TAGS_PATH= Tags folder path in which you keep subversion tags.

Internal Parameters:

  • VERSION_TAG= Current, existing version number. TITLE + TAG is the name of redmine version. Ex; debian- Tag is
  • VERSION_ID= Current, existing version's redmine id.
  • PREVIOUS_VERSION_TAG= Previous version number. (latest before current version) It's used to recompute version tag when APPEND_CURRENT is true.

todo: Example and notes will be added for next-version .

5.13. Release

🚫 📝 @todo Will be reviewed and updated!

5.14. Snapshot

🚫 📝 @todo Will be reviewed and updated!

6. Notes

Here are some general notes that can help you in various ways.

6.1. How to obtain slack incoming webhook URL

Go to yourteam.slack.com/apps/build/custom-integration and click on Incoming Webhooks, then select a channel or user you want to post your messages to.

Once done, you’ll see your incoming webhook integration’s configuration page.

Scroll down and there’ll be a Webhook URL in the format https://hooks.slack.com/services/TXXXXXXXX/BXXXXXXXX/token. Save that URL somewhere, we’ll need it later. You can further change the icon and name of the integration in this page itself.

[1]: Detailed documentation about software versioning

Test Platforms

I've tested app on below platforms and it works fine:

  • Debian GNU/Linux 7.x (wheezy)
  • Debian GNU/Linux 8.x (jessie) / java 1.8.0_181
  • Debian GNU/Linux 9.x (stretch) / java 1.8.0_162

If something goes wrong, let me know the situation by opening an issue. See the contributing file for details. Also see our code of conduct file for other social details.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the license file for details.


  • Onur Yılmaz

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Stackoverflow Profile