
Primary LanguagePLpgSQLMIT LicenseMIT

PostgREST Starter Kit

Boilerplate and tooling for authoring REST API backends with PostgREST.

PostgREST Starter Kit


PostgREST enables a different way of building data driven API backends. It does "one thing well" and that is to provide you with a REST api over your database, however to build a complex production system that does things like talk to 3rd party systems, sends emails, implements real time updates for browsers, write integration tests, implement authentication, you need additional components. For this reason, some developers either submit feature requests that are not the scope of PostgREST or think of it just as a prototyping utility and not a powerful/flexible production component with excellent performance. This repository aims to be a starting point for all PostgREST based projects and bring all components together under a well defined structure. We also provide tooling that will aid you with iterating on your project and tools/scripts to enable a build pipeline to push everything to production. There are quite a few components in the stack but you can safely comment out pg_amqp_bridge/rabbitmq (or even openresty) instances in docker-compose.yml if you don't need the features/functionality they provide.


✓ Cross-platform development on macOS, Windows or Linux inside Docker
PostgreSQL database schema boilerplate with authentication and authorization flow
OpenResty configuration files for the reverse proxy
RabbitMQ integration through pg-amqp-bridge
Lua functions to hook into each stage of the HTTP request and add custom logic (integrate 3rd party systems)
✓ Debugging and live code reloading (sql/configs/lua) functionality using subZero devtools
✓ SQL unit test using pgTAP
✓ Integration tests with SuperTest / Mocha
✓ (soon) Docker files for building production images
✓ Community support on Slack
✓ Compatible with subZero if you decide you need a GraphQL API with no additional work

Directory Layout

├── db                        # Database schema source files and tests
│   ├── src                   # Schema definition
│   │   ├── api               # Api entities avaiable as REST endpoints
│   │   ├── data              # Definition of source tables that hold the data
│   │   ├── libs              # A collection modules of used throughout the code
│   │   ├── authorization     # Application level roles and their privileges
│   │   ├── sample_data       # A few sample rows
│   │   └── init.sql          # Schema definition entry point
│   └── tests                 # pgTap tests
├── openresty                 # Reverse proxy configurations and Lua code
│   ├── lualib
│   │   └── user_code         # Application Lua code
│   ├── nginx                 # Nginx files
│   │   ├── conf              # Configuration files
│   │   └── html              # Static frontend files
│   ├── tests                 # Mocha based integration tests
│   │   ├── rest              # REST interface tests
│   │   └── common.js         # Helper functions
│   ├── Dockerfile            # Dockerfile definition for production
│   └── entrypoint.sh         # Custom entrypoint
├── postgrest                 # PostgREST 
│   └── tests                 # Simple bash based integration tests
├── docker-compose.yml        # Defines Docker services, networks and volumes
└── .env                      # Project configurations


Make sure that you have Docker v17 or newer installed.

Setup your git repo with a reference to the upstream

mkdir example-api
cd example-api
git init
git remote add upstream https://github.com/subzerocloud/postgrest-starter-kit.git
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/master

Launch the app with Docker Compose:

docker-compose up -d

The API server must become available at http://localhost:8080/rest. Try a simple request

curl http://localhost:8080/rest/todos?select=id,todo

Development workflow and debugging

Install subZero devtools using npm install -g subzero-cli.

Execute subzero dashboard in the root of your project.
After this step you can view the logs of all the stack components (SQL queries will also be logged) and if you edit a sql/conf/lua file in your project, the changes will immediately be applied.


The starter kit comes with a testing infrastructure setup. You can write pgTAP tests that run directly in your database, useful for testing the logic that resides in your database (user privileges, Row Level Security, stored procedures). Integration tests are written in JavaScript.

Here is how you run them

npm install                     # Install test dependencies
npm run test_db                 # Run pgTAP tests
npm run test_rest               # Run integration tests
npm test                        # Run all tests (db, rest)

Keeping Up-to-Date

You can always fetch and merge the recent updates back into your project by running:

git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/master


We are currently working on a CloudFormation based stack setup here

There are two stages when going to production.

Deploying your database code

In production you should use RDS or a similar service. We'll soon have examples on how to migrate SQL code from dev to production

Deploying PostgREST and OpenResty

We recommend deploying both components (OpenResty/PostgREST) as Docker containers. You can use EC2 Container Service to help solve a lot of devops problems when deploying containers. We'll soon provide task definition templates. For PostgREST you can use the official image in production. For OpenResty you will build your own image that is based on the official one but includes all your custom configurations and files.


Anyone and everyone is welcome to contribute.

Support and Documentation


Copyright © 2017-present subZero Cloud, LLC.
This source code is licensed under MIT license
The documentation to the project is licensed under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license.