
ceng495 cloud computing - hw1

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Visit my deployed solution on Heroku: https://ispark-carpark-info.herokuapp.com

/frontend folder contains the React.js related source code.

/build directory is the production build of the app

/src/App.js contains all the components that is rendered in the page
            The class has data, district and ParkID in it's state
            I set the data in the state with a GET method done to api/data
            Then, I use this data that comes from the backend
            Accordingly, I create district and car park options in form components
            I show the location of the selected car park using Google Maps API

/src/index.js sets where to render App.js component by calling render from ReactDOM

/public has manifest.json that gives information about the app to the web browser
        and index.html that has the title of the app and a link to manifest

/package.json contains the dependencies of frontend

backend.js is the server side code I used Node.js and Express in the backend From the IBB Acik Veri Portali API, I get the data using request function I set the environment variable PORT here and I listen it with app.listen() I use Express middleware functions for production I load the files in frontend/build using express.static

package.json file contains the dependencies of the app I also set start and heroku-postbuild here When working on local run "yarn" in frontend folder and in main project folder Then, "yarn dev" is enough