
Small script to change MAC addresses on Windows

Primary LanguagePython


Small script to change MAC addresses on Windows.

Further info can be found in this blog post about MAC addresses.


Compatible with Win 7/Vista/8/10 32/64bit, get them from the release section.

If you want to create your own executable, generate it with Pyinstaller on a Win7 32bit system:

pyinstaller change-mac.py -F --clean

How to use change-mac

CMD or PowerShell with administrative privileges. Most use cases can be found in the 'Example usage' section:

change-mac.py -h

usage: change-mac.exe [-h] [-l] [-r] [-i INTERFACE] [-m MAC] [-f]

A small script to change MAC addresses in Windows

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l, --list            list all network interfaces
  -r, --reset           reset MAC address of the provided network interface to
  -i INTERFACE, --interface INTERFACE
                        provide an interface GUID (part of the "Transport
                        Name"), e.g. CA8D7884-4754-4E6D-B637-D411533ECBBA
  -m MAC, --mac MAC     provide a valid MAC address, e.g. 00:0C:29:FE:8B:77.
                        Might need 02 as the first octet for Wifi.
  -f, --force           force restart network interface

WiFi Connections might need a 02 as first octet, e.g. 02:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

Example usage:
change-mac.exe -l
change-mac.exe -i CA8D7884-4754-4E6D-B637-D411533ECBBA -m 00:0C:29:FE:8B:77
change-mac.exe -i CA8D7884-4754-4E6D-B637-D411533ECBBA -m 00:0C:29:FE:8B:77 -f
change-mac.exe -i CA8D7884-4754-4E6D-B637-D411533ECBBA -r
change-mac.exe -i CA8D7884-4754-4E6D-B637-D411533ECBBA -f
change-mac.exe -i CA8D7884-4754-4E6D-B637-D411533ECBBA -r -f