
Yet another Flutter wrapper for libphonenumber

Primary LanguageDart

Yet another wrapper for libphonenumber

It is yet another wrapper to be used with Flutter projects to format and validate phone numbers. It only provides a scarse subset of available methods from original libraries it wraps around. Currently there are such methods:

formatIncomplete('+799988');                //  +7 999 88
formatAsInternational('+79998887766');      //  +7 999 888 77 66
isValidNumber('+79998887766');              //  true
isInternationallyDialable('+79998887766');  //  true

* please note that number is made up for example purpose only and doesn't ment to be a real number.

For now there are only Android and JS versions wrapped with this library.

How to use

This library is immature to be published on pub.dev and may be added to pubspec.yml from GitHib directly.

      url: https://github.com/illabo/yaw_phonenumber.git
      path: yaw_phonenumber_platform_interface
      url: https://github.com/illabo/yaw_phonenumber.git
      path: yaw_phonenumber_web

To be able to use it on web please add something like this to your project's index.html:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/libphonenumber-js@1.7.6/bundle/libphonenumber-min.js" />

The actual script to use you can choose according to original script author's documentation as may be found here: https://gitlab.com/catamphetamine/libphonenumber-js

Underlying libraries

The libraries used aren't the Google's libphonenumber but rather Google acknowliged ports known for some improvements for an end user of a library. E.g. libphonenumber-js utilized here is in its minimal version is just ~80 kb (Google's full metadata is almost 10x bigger), doesn't require recompiling and is served from cdn. And libphonenumber-android is simply works faster then Google's implementation on Android devices and also is nicely repacked for easy importing.

Further developement

This library is planned to only be extended accrding to my very own needs. Currently it meets my minimal requirements. However I don't mind if any PRs would be made and would happily accept it.