Find duplicates in an array with Lo-Dash

To run, install Node and type in the terminal:

make install && make build && make start


findDuplicates = (skus) ->
  return _.chain(skus)
    .groupBy( (sku) ->
      return sku
    .filter( (item) ->
      return item[1].length > 1
    .map( (item) ->
      return item[0]
    .sortBy( (sku) ->
      return sku

File structure

Coffescript sources are in src/ folder, compiled JS files are in lib/

├── lib/
│   ├── data.js
│   └── find-duplicates.js
├── src/
│   ├──
│   └──
├── output/
│   ├── 1-groupby.json
│   ├── 2-pair.json
│   ├── 3-filter.json
│   └── 4-map.json
├── output.txt
├── ...
└── index.js