
Web-Stats for mcMMO

-move files to web-folder on your website
-edit config.php
-chmod 777 "data"
-chmod 666 for all .json files on folder "data"
-cake? )

p.s. if you have "internal" problem try delete .htaccess

if you disabled mining on your server:
open webstats.class.php found "AND ms.`mining` >0" (on line: 64)
and delete this part, and all be ok

p.p.s if css/js not load:
for IIS need change chmod "min" folder
go min/config.php
found $min_documentRoot = substr(__FILE__, 0, -15);
change it like $min_documentRoot = "c:\\xampp\\htdocs\\ws_for_mcmmo_folder";
its your path if you used windows, or '/home/accountname/public_html' if linux

upload & rewrite all files except config.php
chmod 666 for all .json files on folder "data" if needed
testing and comment