SwiftUI app that fetches a list of companies, sort them by their share price and can show its details on a separate view
- a1cnore
- alwxVienna, Austria
- anooptomar1
- bonarealm
- BoomerangThreeSoftwareMasons
- botsbuzz
- chinyaev
- claudiaeng@burstcash
- davidyin
- dhmspector@TheZeitgeist (Zeitgeist Information Systems, LLC)
- emrecanacerTurkey
- gaoypChina
- hachinobu
- iMark21Kairos DS
- IvanFok
- joehinkle11United States
- junterlechner
- kr1s0404Seattle, WA
- lindyhoptrader
- MaanasPeri23New York City
- miiiiiinSeoul, South Korea
- mlichwaStrange Flock
- MussaCharlesSeoul, South Korea
- nsx22
- oezguenY
- rubentnfSanta Cruz de Tenerife
- sonysm
- sqwu
- thanhtoan1196
- usMAEC
- VYR3XSosiMoyHuiBank
- wagnercaseyDurham, N.C.
- welshoferThe Xsf Collective
- yongdono
- Zippowxk