
Raspberry Pi + React Native + Foosball

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Raspberry Pi + React Native + Foosball


  • Automatic goal detection and score keeping
  • Controlled LED Strip as foosball light --> blinks on goals


  • Clone this repository

      git clone https://github.com/illing2005/raspberry-foosball


Raspberry Pi:

  • Copy the raspberry-app folder to your raspberry pi

  • Rename config.example.py to config.py, add your pusher.com credentials, and adjust GPIO pin nubers.

  • Install dependencies:

      pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Run python main.py

React Native:


Goal detection:

For the goal detection, you need two infrared light barriers (see sketch). The red LED is for testing purposes only and can be removed.

Needed parts:


LED Strip:

Needed parts:

Below you find a sketch how to wire thinks up. If you need more help follow this great tutorial (http://popoklopsi.github.io/RaspberryPi-LedStrip/#!/)
