
  1. install stlink
    • arch: sudo pacman -S stlink
    • general linux
      • install libusb-dev 1.0
      • install cmake
      • install a C-Compiler (sorry)
      • git clone && cd stlink && make release && cd build/Release && sudo make install
    • mac os: brew install stlink
    • windows: unzip
  2. install arm cross compilers
    • arch: sudo pacman -S arm-none-eabi-gcc arm-none-eabi-gdb
    • debian/ubuntu: sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-none-eabi gdb-arm-none-eabi
    • macOS: brew tap osx-cross/arm && brew install arm-gcc-bin
    • windows:
  3. install a nightly compiler
    • rustup update nightly
  4. dowload the rust source code
    • if your rustup does not have the component subcommand: rustup self update
    • rustup component add rust-src --toolchain nightly
  5. install xargo
    • rustup run nightly cargo install xargo
    • NOTE: do not run this command in the stm32f7_discovery folder, you will get errors about the compiler not finding the standard library
  6. get the demo code
    • git clone


  1. cd stm32f7_discovery
  2. rustup override set nightly
  3. xargo build
  4. have patience, the first time you run xargo build, the core library and various others need to be built.
  5. open another terminal and run st-util (win: st-util.exe is located in stlink-1.3.1-win32\bin, which was unziped for setup)
  6. go back to your first terminal
  7. run sh (run gdb.bat for win)
  8. (optional) run semihosting-enable to enable semihosting support
  9. The code has now been flashed and is ready to run. Type c (for continue) and observe your controller.

Generate Documentation

cargo doc --open --target x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu