
Google Cloud Function that allows you to easily receive Cloud Build status updates

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Google Cloud Function that allows you to easily receive Cloud Build status updates

Insert your project id for gcp

Go to deploy.sh and and change the $PROJECT_ID with your GCP Project ID

Change the config

Go to .env.example.yaml and you will see there are 2 configurations (slack and email). On slack you need to change the webhook url with your own webhook https://hooks.slack.com/services/foo/bar/your-key

and for email configuration you need to insert EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS : your email that you use to send the notification EMAIL_RECIPIENTS : email will receive the notification EMAIL_SMTP_HOST : the email smtp host EMAIL_SMTP_PORT : the port for email EMAIL_SMTP_USER : the user name for the email EMAIL_SMTP_PASS : the password for the email EMAIL_USE_TLS : insert true if use TLS or false is use TLS

and everything is done, you can use it directly. You can change the template of your email in assets/email.html and change the value on notifiers/email.js. This is we're using handlebars for manipulating the strings for javascript.