
Somewhat simple REST API in construction domain

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

construction app

REST API in construction domain

technology stack and libs

  • java
  • spring boot
  • maven
  • hibernate
  • h2
  • spring rest docs
  • lombok

write down any technical decision

  • H2 as db, ease of development, later testing part, packaging project as executable
  • enabled at first h2 console, though never used it
  • spring boot tasks for processing accept offer requests
  • written integration test to cover accept offer logic since it has the most business logic of the app

project setup build and run with maven

Application tested on environment with

  • java 15
  • maven 3.6.2
  • spring boot 2.4.2

Command to run tests and start up the app mvn test asciidoctor::process-asciidoc spring-boot:run

App starts on http://localhost:8080.

API docs are in target\generated-sources\documentation\api.html.

Some api docs are missing in cases where non existing ids are passed. The request/response looks the same as in "2. Find tender by non existing id" from the docs.

db auto generated data

  • 2 issuers with ids 1 and 2
  • 3 bidders with ids 1, 2 and 3

app flow

  • issuer creates a tender
  • bidders create offers
  • issuer accepts one offer
  • tender gets closed, oen offer is accepted, rest of the offers are rejected
  • tender has tender results with accepted offer

general approach

  • understand domain problem
  • model domain problem with entities and REST endpoints
  • first implement core entities (with must fields) and rest endpoints
  • expand features as needed (e.g. tender status, processing accept offer logic)
  • add exception handling and everything that was missed
  • write api tests + spring rest docs

For better view check PRs or TODO list (the list of tasks is ordered as how I solved them).


  • bidder and issuer are different entities in the domain
  • multiple accept offers can be sent for the same tender, and only one should succeed
  • no login is required
  • no pagination for offers, tenders