
Web Crawlers

Primary LanguagePython



bilibili的爬虫。Web Crawler for bilibili.
可爬取指定up主的所有视频。It can download all the videos of a certain uploader.
每个视频的画面和音频分开保存。Video stream and audio stream of one video were saved seperately.
如果你有大会员,用你自己的cookie可以下载最高画质的视频。If you are VIP,use your cookie and download high-res videos!
问题:视频名称带有非法字符时无法写入。Problem:When video_name contains illegal char,the program will stop because it can't write in the file.


微博的爬虫。Web Crawler for weibo.
可以下载图片、动图、视频。It can get videos/gifs/pictures of a certain weiboer.
每种文件类型放在一个文件夹中。One file type one folder.
问题:视频有时保存不全。Problem:When saving videos,the program seldom saves only a part of one video.