Home Assistant EdgeOS Unknown Device Notification

This Home Assistant blueprint generates a notification (notify.notify or notify.persistent_notification) upon an unknown device connecting to your network. It can also be used to notify upon any connection/ disconnection from your network that is acquired by DHCP lease (leave the filters blank).



Import edgeos_unknown_device_blueprint.yaml yourself manually or:

Import blueprint to Home Assistant

To update your blueprint, in Home Assistant, open the dropdown menu next to this blueprint and select "Re-import blueprint".

? Entries

If you are like me you have a lot of entries with a ? as their hostname. This is fairly normal and many devices do not report a hostname for whatever reason. If you are using DNSMasq for DHCP/ DNS you are in luck. It is easy to add aliases to these for easy recognition. From the EdgeOS CLI enter:

set service dns forwarding options "dhcp-host=aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff,ALIAS_HERE"

More details here - credits to Caius Theory.