
Finnish version of the Semantle word guessing game.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Available at semanttuli.fly.dev

Setup development

Two ways to run locally:


  1. Run pipenv install (install pipenv with pip install pipenv if necessary)
  2. Run pipenv run python wsgi.py
    • If no MongoDB connection string is provided as env variable, backend will connect to a read-only development database
  3. App should now be running in http://localhost:8080


  1. Build Docker image with docker build -t semanttuli:latest .
  2. Start container from the image with docker run -p 8080:8080 semanttuli:latest
    • If no MongoDB connection string is provided as env variable, backend will connect to a read-only development database
  3. App should now be running in http://localhost:8080


  • Deployment to production (fly.io) happens automatically when pushing to master branch -->