Demo project for the new Kotlin/Native Gradle plugin


To build the project run:

./gradlew build


  1. Building for different targets, binary types (klib and executable) and build types (debug and release).
  2. Publishing.
  3. Dependencies on projects and published artifacts.
  4. Testing.

Not supported:

  1. Building and publishing interop libraries.
  2. Declaring dependencies between source sets.
  3. Convenient way to create a custom source set.

DSL Example:

sourceSets {
    // By default 2 source sets are created: main and test.
    // Adding custom source sets isn't supported at the moment.
    main {
        // Adding custom sources.
        // 'kotlin' is a SourceDirectorySet so you can use all methods/properties described at
        kotlin.srcDir 'custom/path/to/sources'

        // Adding target-specific sources. The object returned is also SourceDirectorySet.
        target('wasm32').srcDir 'custom/path/wasm/sources'

        target('wasm32', 'host') {
            srcDir 'common/for/several/targets/sources'

        // Settings not related to sources.
        component {
            // Binary kinds produced from these sources.
            outputKinds = [ KLIBRARY, EXECUTABLE ]

            // List of targets the binary is compiled for.
            // Calling the 'target' method of a source set for some target (see above)
            // implicitly adds this target to this list.
            target 'host', 'wasm32'

dependencies {
    // Project dependency. Only project having output kind 'KLIBRARY' can be a dependency.
    implementation project('library')

    // External dependency.
    implementation 'foo:bar:1.0'

    // Kotlin 'expected by' dependency.
    expectedBy project('common')

    // Test dependencies are stored in the 'testImplementation' configuration:
    testImplementation project('testLibrary')
    testImplementation 'foo:barTest:1.0'