RastaConverter is a graphics converter from modern computers to old 8bit Atari computers. It uses most of the Atari graphics capabilities.
- 9leonardoruilovaChile
- aleksander-martinPoland
- Atlan-Roland
- BENMFeng
- dandeeMaersk Digital
- echristopherson
- epiGdańsk, Poland
- ericparejaUniversity of the Philippines Manila
- golmedonValparaiso, Chile
- ivop
- kieranhj@deepmind
- KlasO
- Lakzeous
- litwr2
- lybrown
- MGProductionModena, Italy
- mika76Serbia
- moralekSantiago, Chile
- NegativeCharge
- nnc-tlb
- pfusik
- polluksGermany
- popmiloSenta, Serbia
- przem360Gdansk, Poland
- SasatariHamburg, Germany
- seban-sltSLIGHT
- Si3ghMaringá - PR - Brasil
- spriveNew Hampshire
- starfighter06
- swprosser
- tebe6502Madteam
- tonual
- xaubererXorceria
- Yoshqu