
Apache Struts S2-20 classLoader manipulation improvement

Opened this issue · 1 comments

J2EEScan scans for Struts class loader manipulation ( ) with the type of payload engineered AFTER the first fix which is Class.classLoader Ex:
During testing I've seen that most of the times this payload will not trigger anything/any reaction , but the original one , class.classLoader would . I did class.classLoader.classAssertionStatus=test , this , in turn , would either generate a beanutils error regarding the fact that classAssertionStatus has no setter or give a 404 in the response. J2EEScan didn't detect anything wrong with the application even though it was vulnerable to this issue .

My suggestion is the following : Adding class.classLoader and class['classLoader'] to the list of payloads for S2-20 scanning . I really think that this will improve the detection of this issue !
There is also a pretty well explained list of payload for struts vulns here :