AutoHotKey is required to run this script. It can be found at Once installed run the script by double clicking DRG.ahk.
Born ready perk is recommended because this script doesn't take need for reloading into account. Hotkeys rely on few default key bindings:
- Q -- Switch to previous equipment
- E -- Use key
- 3/4 -- Equipment
- Mouse1 -- Fire weapon
- Mouse2 -- Pickaxe
- Ctrl + F10 -- Close the script
- F10 -- Suspend/Unsuspend script
- Disables/enables the other hotkeys.
- F4 -- Switch between dwarf specific hotkey sets
- Hold B -- Fast bucket emptying
- Mouse4 -- Grappling Hook
- Pressing and holding will switch to Grappling Hook and fire it.
- Releasing will release the hook and switch to your previous weapon.
- Mouse5 -- Flare Gun
- Switches to Flare Gun, fires, and switches back to previous equipment.
- Mouse4 -- Zipline Gun
- Pressing and holding switches to Zipline Gun.
- Fire manually.
- Releasing Mouse4 switches to previous equipment.
- Mouse5 -- Throw shield
- Mouse4 -- Drill -- Drill as long as held down. -- Release switches to previous weapon.
- Mouse5 -- C4
- Quick press will just throw C4.
- Holding over 700 milliseconds makes releasing Mouse5 detonate the C4 and switch to previous equipment.
- Mouse4 -- Platform Gun
- Pressing and holding switches to Platform Gun.
- Fire manually.
- Releasing Mouse4 switches to previous equipment.
- Mouse5 -- Place turret