Learn Rx by making tests PASS!
- Run the tests in
branch. They all fail (RED) - Make them GREEN!
BONUS: Kotlin collection exercises as well.
branch got all the tests passing.
- LearnRxJava
- Loading Data from multiple sources - Dan Lew
- Reactive Programming with RxJava
- Novoda Rx Dojos
- Hannes Dorfmann Rx workshop
- RxBasicsKata
- RxRiddles
- Rx on error retry
- Awesome RxJava
- RxJava Android Samples
- Subjects series
- Schedulers series
- RxJava2-extras
- RxJavaExtensions
- Rx2-tools
- RxPaper
- RxObservableDiskCache2
- RxJavaDemoApp
- RxJava - The Problem with Subjects
- Another introduction to reactive programming
- Tips and tricks with reactive systems and dataflows
- Reactive Puzzlers
- Upstream/Downstream
- When
doesn't work
- Kotlin Koans Solutions
- Kotlin Puzzlers
- Marcin Moskala Advanced Kotlin workshop
- Kotlin Academy
- KotlinNotesForProfessionals
- Kotlin Async Exception Handler
- Kotlin Coroutines patterns & anti-patterns
- Exceptions in coroutines
- Coroutines Exception Handling Cheat Sheet
Check my Trello board.