
I've boiled down my email needs into two templates:

  • Personal - used
  • Generic - composed of three main areas: 1) preheader 2) content area 3) footer. The content area has many types of content blocks:
    • Simple text block
    • Framed text
    • 1/4 + 3/4 split
    • 1/2 + 1/2 split
    • 3/4 + 1/4 split
    • Three column even split
    • Three column even split, padded
    • Three column even split, padded, with images
    • RSS Notification
    • RSS Digest

Services Used

I use MailChimp and Mandrill as my Email Service Provider. The templates here work out of the box with those providers but could be easily modified to work with others.

Below are some resources I've collected that have helped me in my email development process.


Some great resources for getting inspired.



Components / Tools

Frameworks / Templates


Intergrations, Third Party Tools, etc


Aside from MailChimp, here are some tools which I haven't used but look like they have great potential.