Block hosts, apps, specific urls (with query string vars!), launch scripts on wake, and generally optimize your productivity and focus
- 0xcen@triggr-app
- atre14
- austinob7
- axcellenceUnited Kingdom
- benln@shinetools
- blakedietzBoise, Idaho
- chriswebb09@Esri
- connoradsLondon
- dgfl-ghLund, Sweden
- drag0s@gitduckhq
- er-minioToyota Connected Europe
- fomotrader
- gaspardderoyan
- gilas19Israel
- hudonBay Area, CA
- iagomelaniasBrazil
- JaballadaresSan Francisco
- jcha0713Seoul
- masonc15Philadelphia, PA
- matthewmorek@ponder-surveys
- mvandermeulenFivenynes
- NetOpWibby@NeverCease
- ofalvai@bitrise-io
- PapiPeppersNYC
- pugson
- ryan6416
- seanoliver@gamma-app
- simo97@Workbud-Technologies
- snilanCT
- space-esquire
- timcki@TokenTax
- uly-s
- uxtechie@ds3engine
- wgoulaartmeli
- yingzm
- zhuozhiyongdePeking University, Med & CS