
Webrouk Back Top Scroll Indicator is a lightweight native JavaScript web component for smooth back to top button with a circular progress bar which indicates the current reading progress when scrolling down/up the webpage.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Webrouk Back Top Scroll Indicator is a lightweight native JavaScript web component for smooth back to top button with a circular progress bar which indicates the current reading progress when scrolling down/up the webpage.

  • No dependencies
  • Lightweight
  • Hides on top
  • Smooth Scroll


CodePen Example


Use NPM to download and install it directly in to your project

$ npm install webrouk-back-top-scroll-indicator --save

or include js file manually

<!-- webrouk-back-top-scroll-indicator component file -->
<script src="webrouk-back-top-scroll-indicator.js"></script>


Using webroukBackTopScrollIndicator is simple.

  title="Back to Top"


Option Type Description Default
show-at string Show the button at y position 50

Style Customization

Expected CSS Variables from inside the component (optional).

webrouk-back-top-scroll-indicator {
  --w-primary-color: 218, 95%, 54%; /* HSL color values without the brackets */
  --w-diameter-size: 46px;

Styleable Component Parts

  • button
  • svg
  • path


webrouk-custom-select::part(button) { /* some styles ... */ }

webrouk-custom-select::part(svg) { /* some styles ... */ }

webrouk-custom-select::part(path) { /* some styles ... */ }


webroukBackTopScrollIndicator is licensed MIT. It can be used for free and without any attribution, in any personal or commercial project.