Training project for practicing React development skills. Built using React, Redux Toolkit (with RTK Query tool) and Bootstrap.
- Post list linked to specific post pages;
- ability to create and delete post items;
- automatic re-fetching after mutations;
- sorting and filtering posts;
- page navigation;
- client-side routing;
- fake authorization;
- notifications about successful and unsuccessful data manipulations;
- custom UI components (modal window and preloader);
- transitions;
- "Page not found" and "Access denied" error pages;
- sticky footer (when page is shorter than screen height).
- Clone project content into the current folder with the following command:
$ git clone .
or download it manually. - Change the
parameter inside the/src/features/posts/postsApi.js
file from''
(it is important if you want to test not-fake adding/deleting posts with automatic re-fetching). - Install dependencies:
$ npm i
. - Run:
$ npm run dev