The 76 Monorepo

A monorepo for the 76 devs.

Getting Started


  • Node.js
  • pnpm
  • Docker

Start Dev Server

Since this is a monorepo you'll need to start dev servers using the following pattern so dependencies are able to resolve. Start a dev server for any of the apps in the ./apps directory by running the following, where <appname> is the name of the app specified in its package.json file.

pnpm dev --filter <appname>


There are a few aliases to make it easier to start common dev servers in the root package.json.

  • pnpm directory
  • pnpm website


App Requirements

  1. Must be built to run on Node. For example, if you're making a SvelteKit app, make sure it's using sveltekit-adapter-node, nextjs apps should work out of the box.
  2. App must build to a build directory located at ./apps/<appname>/build.
  3. App must include a .env.example with required environment keys.
  4. Apps directory name must be same as its package.json/repo name.
  5. App must have a start script in their own package.json.


Use the root Dockerfile below to build a specific app by providing the APP_NAME build arg and replacing app-name with your apps package/directory name. Add the following to the monorepos root package.json as a script named something like docker:build:appname.

docker build -t devnet-directory ./ --build-arg APP_NAME=app-name


The easiest way to run your app locally would be to add a docker-compose.yaml in your apps directory (./apps/<appname>/docker-compose.yaml) that runs the latest build of your image and specifies a .env file to pass to the runtime.


Add a script to start run the app in the monorepos root package.json named something like docker:up:myapp with the following contents.

cd apps/<appname> && docker-compose -p <appname> up -d

Docker Compose

version: '3.8'

    driver: bridge

    image: my-app
    container_name: my-app
      - .env
      - dev-bridge
      - '3001:3000'
    restart: unless-stopped